错误信息: Failed to modify the initrd file on the target server. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to execute bootloader on the target server. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to read /etc/fstab on the source server. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to create logical volume %s. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to write file %s on the target server. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to read the configuration file for Linux block-level migration. 解决办法:请下载最新的agent
错误信息: Download of RSA public and private keys failed. HTTP Status Code: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: The target server running Windows cannot access the Internet. 解决办法:请重装网卡驱动
错误信息: The installed Agent is of an earlier version. Download the latest version. 解决办法:请下载最新的agent
错误信息: You can add up to 1000 source servers. 解决办法:请删除已迁移完成的源端
错误信息: Environment check cannot be performed on the source server in the CHECKING state. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to obtain the number of source server CPUs. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: VSS not installed on the source server. 解决办法:请检查VSS服务是否存在并且是否启动
错误信息: There is a migration task on the source server. 解决办法:删除源端上的任务,重新创建
错误信息: Failed to delete the task. Ensure that the Agent is connected. 解决办法:请确保ageng处于连接状态
错误信息: Failed to obtain details about the target server. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: The application key data type does not meet specifications. 解决办法:按照规范正确填写密钥类型
错误信息: The application key value does not meet specifications. 解决办法:按照规范正确填写密钥值
错误信息: The URL is invalid when the request destination port type is tsdb. 解决办法:请填写正确的URL后重试
错误信息: When the request destination port type is tsdb, the label is invalid. 解决办法:请填写正确的标签后重试