检测到您已登录华为云国际站账号,为了您更好的体验,建议您访问国际站服务网站 https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn
错误信息: The task is running, the task cannot be restarted. 解决办法:请检查任务信息
错误信息: Scanning the same site is not allowed. 解决办法:请检查任务信息
错误信息: Failed to update the domain information. 解决办法:请检查域名配置
错误信息: The domain name ownership is not verified. 解决办法:请对域名所有权进行认证
错误信息: Failed to delete the domain name. Check whether there are running jobs for the domain name. 解决办法:请检查该域名下是否有任务正在运行
错误信息: Failed to verify the ownership of your domain name on HUAWEI CLOUD. 解决办法:请检查云上租户域名
错误信息: Violations found. 解决办法:请使用其他认证方式
错误信息: Domain name has been verified. 解决办法:无需重复认证
错误信息: Failed to create a job. 解决办法:请检查任务信息
错误信息: Failed to restart a job. 解决办法:请检查任务信息
错误信息: The task does not exist. 解决办法:请检查任务ID
错误信息: The number of scan jobs per day has reached the maximum allowed limit. 解决办法:请升级套餐
错误信息: Generating report, please do not repeat the operation. 解决办法:请勿重复操作
错误信息: The report has not been generated, please download it after generating the report. 解决办法:请生成报告后下载
错误信息: Report download failed, please regenerate and download later. 解决办法:请重新生成报告后下载
错误信息: No domain information found. 解决办法:请检查域名信息
错误信息: Incorrect request parameter. 解决办法:请检查请求参数
错误信息: The maximum number of domain names has been reached. 解决办法:请检查创建的域名数量
错误信息: No verification file was generated. 解决办法:请检查域名
错误信息: Failed to obtain the verification file. 解决办法:请检查域名认证证书