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Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path 否 String Path to access on the HTTP server. port 是 String Name or number
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path 否 String Path to access on the HTTP server. port 是 String Name or number
storageClassName 参数的取值如下: sata:普通I/O云硬盘卷 sas:高I/O云硬盘卷 ssd:超高I/O云硬盘卷 nfs-rw:标准文件协议类型文件存储卷 efs-performance:性能型极速文件存储卷 efs-standard:标准型极速文件存储卷 obs:对象存储卷 回收策略采用
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
(上一代产品)三种类型云硬盘。 弹性文件服务(Scalable File Service,SFS),SFS提供共享的文件存储,支持标准文件协议类型(nfs-rw)。SFS提供了SFS、SFS3.0和SFS Turbo三种类型的文件系统。 SFS、SFS3.0为用户提供一个完全托管
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers. path String Path to access on the HTTP server. port String Name or number of
"https://" + server; } else { server = "http://" + server; } } builder.setVerifyingSsl(config
文件存储卷 1.0(待下线) 云容器实例支持创建弹性文件存储1.0(SFS 1.0)挂载到容器中,当前仅支持NFS协议类型的文件系统。SFS 1.0存储卷适用于多种工作负载场景,包括媒体处理、内容管理、大数据分析和分析工作负载程序等场景。 SFS 1.0容量型文件存储即将下线,请谨慎使用。SFS
文件存储卷 3.0 云容器实例支持创建弹性文件存储3.0(SFS 3.0)挂载到容器中,当前仅支持NFS协议类型的文件系统。SFS 3.0存储卷适用于多种工作负载场景,包括媒体处理、内容管理、大数据分析和分析工作负载程序等场景。 支持的区域 各区域支持的文件存储卷类型,如下表所示:
fulfilling the Ingress. Http is currently the only supported IngressRuleValue. 表116 IngressRuleValue数据结构说明 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 http No HTTPIngressRuleValue