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"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
参数类型 描述 X-Auth-Token 否 String 租户token。 表3 请求Body参数 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 specs 否 Array of CreateSpec objects 规格列表。 charge_mode 否 String 计费类型:postPa
core.exception.ServerResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.http.HttpConfig; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.lakeformation.v1.LakeFormationClient;
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
in_recycle_bin Boolean 是否在回收站。 tags Array of ResourceTag objects 标签列表。 specs Array of CreateSpec objects 规格信息。 charge_mode String 计费模式,postPaid=按需计费,prePaid=包周期计费。
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.
"error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: Type mismatch.