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display_name最大长度为64个字符。 description 合规策略的描述 description最大长度为512个字符。 parameters 合规策略的规则参数,即每个合规策略下包含的参数。 具有如下属性: name description type default_value
"organization_policy_assignment_name" : "allowed-images-by-id", "description" : "The ECS resource is non-compliant if the image it used is not in the
MRS集群属于指定安全组 MRS集群属于指定VPC MRS集群开启kerberos认证 MRS集群使用多AZ部署 MRS集群未绑定弹性公网IP MRS集群开启KMS加密 父主题: 系统内置预设策略
数据仓库服务 DWS DWS集群启用KMS加密 DWS集群启用日志转储 DWS集群启用自动快照 DWS集群启用SSL加密连接 DWS集群未绑定弹性公网IP DWS集群运维时间窗检查 DWS集群VPC检查 父主题: 系统内置预设策略
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
"resource_id": "special-ecs1-with-public-ip-with-tag", "resource_name": "ecs1-with-public-ip-with-tag", "resource_provider": "ecs", "resource_type":
urces/summary 响应示例 状态码:200 Successful Operation [ { "provider" : "ecs", "types" : [ { "type" : "buckets", "regions" : [ { "region_id"
文档数据库服务 DDS DDS实例开启SSL DDS实例属于指定实例类型 DDS实例未绑定弹性公网IP DDS实例端口检查 DDS实例数据库版本检查 DDS实例属于指定虚拟私有云ID 父主题: 系统内置预设策略
"organization_policy_assignment_name" : "allowed-images-by-id", "description" : "The ECS resource is non-compliant if the image it used is not in the
"010d95bd-87cd-4f22-ac00-db7fba7d927e", "resource_name" : "ecs-cc-image-test1", "resource_provider" : "ecs", "resource_type" : "cloudservers", "trigger_type"
合规包示例模板说明 合规规则 规则中文名称 涉及云服务 规则描述 dws-clusters-no-public-ip DWS集群未绑定弹性公网IP dws DWS集群绑定弹性公网IP,视为“不合规” dws-enable-kms DWS集群启用KMS加密 dws DWS集群未启用KMS加密,视为“不合规”
"regionid1", "count" : 5 } ] } ] }, { "provider" : "ecs", "types" : [ { "type" : "cloudservers", "regions" : [ {
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
由配置变更触发的评估的示例事件 当触发自定义合规规则时,Config服务会发送一个事件来调用该自定义合规规则的函数。 下面的事件演示自定义合规规则被某个ecs.cloudservers的配置变更所触发。 { "domain_id": "domain_id", "policy_assignment_id":
由配置变更触发的评估的示例事件 当触发规则时,Config服务会发送一个事件来调用该自定义组织合规规则的自定义策略的函数。 下面的事件演示自定义组织合规规则被某个ecs.cloudservers的配置变更所触发。 { "domain_id": "domain_id", "policy_assignment_id":
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted