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"allowed-images-by-id", "managed_policy_assignment_metadata" : { "description" : "The ECS resource is non-compliant if the image it used is not in the
云硬盘未进行加密,视为“不合规” ecs-instance-no-public-ip ECS资源不能公网访问 ecs ECS资源具有弹性弹性公网IP,视为“不合规” ecs-instance-agency-attach-iam-agency ECS资源附加IAM委托 ecs ECS实例未附加IAM委托,视为“不合规”
缩组中的云服务器的运行状况。 6.1 应为管理所有可能影响维持关键运作的风险做好准备。 as-multiple-az 弹性伸缩在多可用区中部署,以帮助保持足够的容量和可用性。 6.1 应为管理所有可能影响维持关键运作的风险做好准备。 css-cluster-multiple-az-check
单个账号24小时内最多只能创建1次组织类型资源聚合器,创建的组织类型资源聚合器被删除后在24小时内无法再次创建。 资源聚合器聚合的源账号必须开启资源记录器,资源聚合器才会动态收集源账号的资源配置,源账号的资源发生变更后会同步更新数据至资源聚合器。 组织类型的资源聚合器仅会聚合组织下账号状态为“正常”的成员账号的数据。
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
"allowed-images-by-id", "managed_policy_assignment_metadata" : { "description" : "The ECS resource is non-compliant if the image it used is not in the
b771" } ], "provisioning_status" : "ACTIVE", "description" : "", "pools" : [ { "id" : "a7ae4e7f-3e97-48ea-bdbc-334684aafac4"
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
"5fb76a240f2daf0b9662a04d", "name" : "volume-inuse-check", "description" : "云硬盘未挂载给任何云服务器,视为“不合规”。", "policy_filter" : { "region_id" : null
合规” ecs-instance-in-vpc ECS资源属于指定虚拟私有云ID ecs,vpc 指定虚拟私有云ID,不属于此VPC的ECS资源,视为“不合规” ecs-instance-no-public-ip ECS资源不能公网访问 ecs ECS资源具有弹性公网IP,视为“不合规”
当安全组入方向源地址设置为0.0.0.0/0或::/0,且开放TCP 22端口,视为“不合规” ecs-instance-in-vpc ECS资源属于指定虚拟私有云ID ecs, vpc 指定虚拟私有云ID,不属于此VPC的ECS资源,视为“不合规” private-nat-gateway-authorized-vpc-only
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
50 resource_parameter 是 RemediationResourceParameter object 合规规则修正执行的动态参数。 maximum_attempts 否 Integer 指定时间内修正的最大尝试次数。 最小值:1 最大值:25 缺省值:5 retry_attempt_seconds
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted
cbr, sfsturbo SFSturbo资源没有关联备份存储库,视为“不合规” ecs-last-backup-created ECS云服务器的备份时间检查 cbr, ecs ECS云服务器最近一次备份创建时间超过参数要求,视为“不合规” evs-last-backup-created
FOUNDATION.G_7_2.R_3 集群 EIP 安全组管控 mrs-cluster-no-public-ip MRS集群未绑定弹性公网IP mrs MRS集群绑定弹性公网IP,视为“不合规” C.CS.FOUNDATION.G_7_2.R_3 集群 EIP 安全组管控 mrs-cluster-in-vpc
控制来保护这些数据。这包括确保代表中小企业工作的任何第三方都有适当的安全措施。 ecs-instance-no-public-ip 由于华为云弹性云服务器实例可能包含敏感信息,确保华为云弹性云服务器实例无法公开访问来管理对华为云的访问。 1_DEVELOP GOOD CYBERSECURITY
资源详细属性 用例参考如下: 示例1:查询资源聚合器下关机状态的弹性云服务器名称 SELECT domainId, name FROM aggregator_resources WHERE provider = 'ecs' AND type = 'cloudservers' AND
great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted