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Local. ipFamily String ipFamily specifies whether this Service has a preference for a particular IP family (e.g. IPv4 vs. IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
挂载参数可设置mount命令指定文件系统挂载的选项,当前支持noac,即用于禁止本地的文件和目录缓存,支持客户端实时从远端SFS 3.0读取数据。 此处设置的挂载参数仅对当前命名空间下创建的文件存储卷有效。 图2 设置SFS 3.0挂载参数 使用文件存储卷 参照无状态负载(Deployment)
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json 在RFC6902协议的定义中,Json Patch包含一系列对目标JSON对象的操作,其本身也为JSON对象。服务器接收到该对象后,会将其表示的操作应用于目标JSON对象。 Merge Patch, Content-Type:
Local. ipFamily String ipFamily specifies whether this Service has a preference for a particular IP family (e.g. IPv4 vs. IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack
7f98958cdf-tesqr的Pod, 其中nginx是直接使用Deployment的名称,-7f98958cdf-tdmqk和-7f98958cdf-tesqr是kubernetes随机生成的后缀。 您也许会发现这两个后缀中前面一部分是相同的,都是7f98958cdf,这是
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
Local. ipFamily 否 String ipFamily specifies whether this Service has a preference for a particular IP family (e.g. IPv4 vs. IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or
自动匹配 自动匹配将从用户创建的所有可用镜像快照中选择最优的镜像。按以下顺序进行匹配: a. 镜像匹配度:优先选择匹配度高的镜像快照,匹配度指的是Pod和镜像快照两者在镜像上的匹配情况。 b. 创建时间:优先选择创建时间更新的镜像快照。 明确指定 明确指定使用的镜像快照。该镜像缓存必须
TFJob即Tensorflow任务,是基于Tensorflow开源框架的kubernetes自定义资源类型,有多种角色可以配置,能够帮助我们更简单地实现Tensorflow的单机或分布式训练。Tensorflow开源框架的信息详见:https://www.tensorflow.org 。
kube-proxy为实现功能,开启了net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1内核参数。该参数允许内核接受来自其他节点的对于本机localhost的网络请求。 如何判断是否涉及漏洞 使用了受影响的集群版本 kubelet/kube-proxy v1.18.0-1.18.3 kubelet/kube-proxy
to the clusterIP. 说明: 社区版本支持nodePort类型的service,CCI场景下不支持该类型的service externalIPs No Array of strings externalIPs is a list of IP addresses for
No If 'true’, then the output is pretty printed. 请求消息 请求参数的详细描述请参见表154。 请求示例: 更改TFJob的结束存活时间ttlSecondsAfterFinished: { "apiVersion": "kubeflow