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String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.
String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
公网访问 概述 公网访问是指使用外部网络访问负载,您可以给负载绑定共享型ELB实例(ELB必须与负载在同一个VPC内),通过ELB实例访问负载,当前外部访问支持四层和七层负载公网访问。 四层公网访问支持TCP和UDP两种协议,设置完成后可以通过“elb公网ip:elb端口”访问负载
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.
IPv6 is also accepted but not fully supported on all platforms.
ipVersion 弹性公网IP的版本 取值范围:4、6,分别表示创建ipv4和ipv6。 必须是系统具体支持的类型 不填或空字符串时,默认创建ipv4。
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.
String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
IPv6 is also accepted but not fully supported on all platforms.
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.
如何解决Connection timed out问题? 问题现象: CCI实例创建正常,使用python django smtp服务发送邮件时,一直提示“[Errno 110] Connection timed out”错误。 问题原因: 客户仅购买了ELB服务未购买NAT网关服务
String IPv6 is the IPv6 address for traffic from the eni. mac String MAC is the MAC address of the endpoint interface. status String Status
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.
创建静态EIPPool 静态EIPPool,即根据用户指定的多个未使用的EIP,静态纳管底层的EIP资源,同时在CCI命名空间下创建相应的EIP对象。如果EIPPool中的EIP已经被NAT或者ELB使用,则会纳管失败。 以下示例创建了一个名为eippool-demo2的静态EIPPool
IPv6 is also accepted but not fully supported on all platforms.
IPv6) when the IPv6DualStack feature gate is enabled.