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该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query an accelerated domain name.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/detail"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to add or modify response headers.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/response-header"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query response headers.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/response-header"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: 用于查询域名归属校验信息接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/domain-verifies"
该API属于VOD服务,描述: Queries CDN logs of a specified VOD domain name in a specified period接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/vod/cdn/logs"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: Querying All Domain Names Associated with HTTPS Certificates接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains/https-certificate-info"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query the quotas for your account, including the quotas of domain names, files and directories to be refreshed
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query cache refreshing and preheating records. To use this API, submit a service ticket.接口URL: "/v1.0/cd
本示例展示如何通过以下三种方式查询资源用量数据,CDN热点媒资信息等,(1)统计源站信息 (2)查询cdn统计信息 (3) 查询TopN视频信息。
本示例展示如何通过以下三种方式查询资源用量数据,CDN热点媒资信息等,(1)统计源站信息 (2)查询cdn统计信息 (3) 查询TopN视频信息。
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to verify the ownership of a domain name.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/configuration/domains/{domain_name}/verify-owner"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query the access control list (ACL) configured for a domain name.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains/{domain_id}/ip-acl"
该API属于CDN服务,描述: If you associate a certificate with multiple domain names, you need to enable force HTTP settings for the domain names.接口URL:
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to configure a referer list. Users are identified and filtered based on the list, so access sources can be controlled
该API属于CDN服务,描述: "This API is used to copy the configuration of a domain name to other domain names." > "This API is used to copy the configuration
跨地域业务 流量峰谷型业务(负载调度/迁移) 云容灾业务 数据备份 灾难恢复 创新型业务 CDN 应用部署 开发测试环境部署 跨地域业务 Extensibility(可扩展性)是 Hybrid Cloud 的关键特性。通过上层统一的
该API属于CDN服务,描述: - This API is used to query the billing option. - The service area can only be **mainland_china** (Chinese mainland, default
该API属于CDN服务,描述: - This API is used to configure the billing option. - The service area can only be **mainland_china** (Chinese mainland). -
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该API属于CDN服务,描述: 查询域名配置接口, 支持查询回源请求头、HTTP header配置、URL鉴权、证书、源站、回源协议、强制重定向、智能压缩、IPv6开关、状态码缓存时间、Range回源、User-Agent黑白名单、改写回源URL、自定义错误页面、缓存规则、IP黑白名单、防盗链、强制跳转。接口URL: