已找到以下 10000 条记录
  • OMS.1017 - 错误码

    错误信息: A maximum of 50 buckets can be selected at a time. Try again later or contact customer service. 解决办法:请稍后重试,或者联系技术支持。

  • OMS.1019 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to create the migration task because the source bucket evaluation has not been completed. Try again later. 解决办法:请稍后重试。

  • OMS.1020 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to access the destination bucket. Ensure that the AK and SK are correct and you have the permissions to access the bucket. 解决办法

  • OMS.1022 - 错误码

    错误信息: A migration task is being created for the source bucket. Select another bucket. If the error persists, contact technical support. 解决办法:如果错误仍然存在,联系技术支持。

  • OMS.1026 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to create the object storage migration task due to a service error. For details, see the returned error message or contact technical

  • OMS.1028 - 错误码

    错误信息: The number of records that can be selected each time cannot exceed 50. For details, see the returned error message or contact technical

  • OMS.1031 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to recreate the migration task because only the tasks under the same cloud service provider can be recreated. Select one cloud service

  • OMS.1033 - 错误码

    错误信息: Only tasks in Evaluating state can be stopped. Check the task status. 解决办法:请检查任务状态。

  • OMS.1036 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operations cannot be performed on task groups in current state. Check the task group status. 解决办法:请检查任务组状态。

  • OMS.1038 - 错误码

    错误信息: Only tasks in Executing state can be paused. Check the task status. 解决办法:请检查任务状态。

  • OMS.1040 - 错误码

    错误信息: Only tasks in Creation failed or Failed state can be restarted. Check the task status. 解决办法:请检查任务状态。

  • OMS.2002 - 错误码

    错误信息: The synchronization task is not found or not started. 解决办法:

  • OMS.0002 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid parameter format. Modify the parameter format. 解决办法:请调整参数格式。

  • OMS.0005 - 错误码

    错误信息: The HTTP request method does not exist. Ensure that the request method is correct. 解决办法:请检查请求方法。

  • OMS.0052 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid value for parameter state. Enter a value from 0 to 50 (whole numbers only). 解决办法:请输入0-5的整数。

  • OMS.0057 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid values for source parameters. Modify the source parameters. 解决办法:请调整源端参数。

  • OMS.0058 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid values for destination parameters. Modify the destination parameters. 解决办法:请调整目的端参数。

  • OMS.0059 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid value for the number of threads specified for migration. Enter a value from 0 to 50 (whole numbers only). 解决办法:请输入0-50的整数。

  • OMS.0061 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid format for task parameters. Modify the parameter format. 解决办法:请调整任务参数格式。

  • OMS.0063 - 错误码

    错误信息: The task is in progress. Pause the task and then delete it. 解决办法:请先暂停此任务然后再删除它。