错误信息: This service type is not supported. 解决办法:请输入正确的业务类型。
错误信息: The user is not authorized to the enterprise project. 解决办法:请先获取企业项目授权。
错误信息: The user does not have operation permissions because the fine-grained authentication is not passed. 解决办法:请先获取细粒度鉴权。
错误信息: The acceleration domain name already exists. 解决办法:请提交工单处理。
错误信息: Information about the origin server format is incorrect. 解决办法:请在工信部为源站域备案。
错误信息: The number of acceleration domain names has reached the upper limit. 解决办法:请提交工单申请扩大域名配额。
错误信息: The acceleration domain name does not exist. 解决办法:请确认操作域名是否正确,如确认正确请提交工单处理。
错误信息: This operation is not supported by the domain name in the current state. 解决办法:请检查域名是否被封禁、锁定或域名状态是否支持当前操作(如:未在启用状态下的域名不可执行停用操作)。
错误信息: The retrieval host failed the audit. 解决办法:请在工信部为回源host域名备案。
错误信息: The URL domain name is not the acceleration domain name of the current tenant. 解决办法:请确认操作域名是否正确,如确认正确请提交工单处理。
错误信息: The number of URLs to be preheated or refreshed exceeds the upper limit. 解决办法:请提交工单申请扩大刷新预热配额。
错误信息: Acceleration domain names are prohibited. 解决办法:请提交工单申请解封。
错误信息: Acceleration domain names are locked. 解决办法:请提交工单申请取消锁定。
错误信息: If the retrieval host is set to an origin server domain name, the origin server cannot be an IP address. 解决办法:请修改源站接入形式。
错误信息: The domain name has been added by another user. 解决办法:请提交工单处理。
错误信息: The IP address must not be an internal network IP address. 解决办法:IP不能是内网IP地址,请检查填写的IP地址类型。
错误信息: Only domain names that are disabled or fail to be configured, audited, or synchronized can be deleted. 解决办法:请检查域名状态是否为停用、配置失败、审核失败或同步失败,其他状态无法删除。
错误信息: The domain name format is incorrect. 解决办法:请填写正确格式的域名。
错误信息: The number of origin server IP addresses exceeds the upper limit. 解决办法:请检查输入的IP是否超出数量限制。
错误信息: The number of origin server domain names exceeds the upper limit. 解决办法:请检查输入的源站域名个数是否超出数量限制。