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events=the fail structures are [type=account, index=0, schema_name=mysql, object_name='***']reason:[CANNOT UPDATE USER WITH NULL PASSWORD]。 可能原因
by: apply event=[type=table_rename_or_copy, index=null, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s] occur error, msg=temp table: %s.%s not exist 可能原因 无主键表结构迁移异常。
events=the fail structures are [type=index, index=0, schema_name=fossbot, object_name=scan_mr5_file_union]reason:[ERROR: temporary file size exceeds
events=the fail structures are [type=constraint_data, index=0, schema_name=DB, object_name=TABLE]reason:[Too many keys specified; max 64 keys allowed]。
fail structures are [type=table_structure, index=0, schema_name=m825, object_name=t1]reason:[Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'] 可能原因 源
Unable to connect to DBMS: url=jdbc:mysql://*** user=root, Caused by: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server
log file error. The next file is: 1.log, errorcode = 'code': '01300', 'name': 'LOGS_NOT_EXIST', 'retry': false, 'reset': false, 'level': 3, message
failed in source database, The failed %s is: type=%s, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s, errorcode=%s, message=%s" 可能原因 全量数据迁移期间用户在源数据库删除database。
events=the fail structures are [type=table_structure, index=0, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s]reason:[ERROR: permission denied for schema %s] 可能原因 目标库
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=%s, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=%s] occur error, msg=apply table %s data failed: %s:
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=1, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=%s,] occur error, msg=apply data of table=`%s`.`%s` failed:
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=1, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=5] occur error, msg=apply data of table=`%s`.`%s` failed:
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=***, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=***] occur error, msg=apply data of table=`%s `.`%s `
fail structures are [type=constraint_data, index=106, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s]reason:[Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=***, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=***] occur error, msg=apply data of table=`%s `.`%s `
apply event=[type=table_data, shard_id=0, batch_index_in_shard=1, table_name=%s, record_num=1] occur error, msg=apply data of table=%s failed: Data
events=the fail structures are [type=constraint_data, index=0, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s]reason:[The MySQL server is running with the --super-read-only
events=the fail structures are [type=constraint_data, index=0, schema_name=%s, object_name=%s]reason:[Temporary file write failure.] 可能原因 DRS迁移索引时目标库临时空间不足。
event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=1, table_schema=***, table_name=***, record_num=2720] occur error, msg=Command failed with error 13