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该API属于Meeting服务,描述: This API is used to query the status of a hard terminal.The hard terminal and the account that initiates the query request
该API属于AS服务,描述: 根据项目ID查询指定资源类型的资源实例。资源、资源tag默认按照创建时间倒序。接口URL: "/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/{resource_type}/resource_instances/action"
该API属于APIHub22579服务,描述: 提供全国发票真伪查验及票面信息数据查询功能,<font color="red">error_code为0,233600,233602其中之一时计费一次</font>接口URL: "/fp/query"
该API属于APIHub22579服务,描述: 识别图片中的手势类型,返回手势名称、手势矩形框、概率分数,可识别24种常见手势,适用于手势特效、智能家居手势交互等场景。接口URL: "/gestureDetect/index"
该API属于DC服务,描述: This API is used to add a peer link between a global DC gateway and an enterprise router or another global DC gateway.接口URL:
该API属于AS服务,描述: 根据项目ID查询指定资源类型的资源实例。资源、资源tag默认按照创建时间倒序。接口URL: "/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/{resource_type}/resource_instances/action"
该API属于ELB服务,描述: This API is used to create a custom security policy. If you need a custom security policy, you need to specify **security_policy_id**
该API属于DRS服务,描述: This API is used to create a single connection. The connection database can be an on-premises database or an RDS DB instance
/design/models/action or /design/catalogs/action API.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/design/catelogs/process-import"
该API属于ECS服务,描述: This API is used to delete ECSs based on a specified ECS ID list. You can delete a single ECS or multiple ECSs in a batch. A
该API属于GES服务,描述: 查询管理面任务中心。当前创建图、关闭图、启动图、删除图、增加备份、导入图、导出图、升级图等操作为异步任务,该API用于查询这些任务的详情。接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/graphs/jobs"
该API属于APIHub160340服务,描述: - 密码长度为6,且至少包含大写字母,小写字母,数字和特殊符号 - 验证码只能使用一次,验证码有效期5分钟接口URL: "/customers/password"
该API属于IoTDA服务,描述: This API is used by an application to manage devices in a device group. Up to 20,000 devices can be added to a device group
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to query all network ACL rules accessible to the tenant submitting the request. A maximum of 2000 records can
该API属于VPC服务,描述: This API is used to query all network ACLs accessible to the tenant submitting the request. A maximum of 2000 records can be
该API属于DataArtsStudio服务,描述: This API is used to obtain the details of an asset (table) based on its GUID. The table details include the column
该API属于ROMA服务,描述: 删除客户端配额。删除客户端配额时,同时删除客户端配额和客户端应用的关联关系接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/apic/instances/{instance_id}/app-quotas/{app_quota_id}"
该API属于VOD服务,描述: 对上传的媒资进行审核。审核后,可以调用[查询媒资详细信息](https://support.huaweicloud.com/api-vod/vod_04_0202.html)接口查看审核结果。接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/asset/review"
该API属于Organizations服务,描述: This API is used to list all the entities (roots, OUs, and accounts) that the specified policy is attached to. It can
该API属于DLI服务,描述: This API is used to submit jobs to a queue using SQL statements. The job types support DDL, DCL, IMPORT, QUERY, and INSERT. Functions