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产品概述 可信跨链服务(Trusted Cross-Chain Service,简称TCS)是基于一系列制定的可信区块链标准跨链协议,保证跨链交易全栈可追溯、可扩展性及可靠性等,实现基于不同区块链内核所构建的同构及异构链之间的互联互通,打破区块链数据孤岛,助力不同企业联盟链可信互联,促进区块链产业生态可信融合。
重复1-3,下载Cross-ChainB的配置文件及证书,通道名称改为channelb。 解压Cross-ChainA的下载包“Cross-ChainA-config.zip”,将文件夹中的“Cross-ChainA-channela-sdk-config.yaml”文件修改为“crosschainA.yaml”存在本地备用,将后缀为
"error_message" : "Failed to send cross tx : Failed to sendPreCrossTransaction: Failed to preCrossRequest: Failed to Generate PreCrossRequest: Failed to get
"error_message" : "Failed to send cross tx : Failed to sendPreCrossTransaction: Failed to preCrossRequest: Failed to Generate PreCrossRequest: Failed to get
"error_message" : "Failed to send cross tx : Failed to sendPreCrossTransaction: Failed to preCrossRequest: Failed to Generate PreCrossRequest: Failed to get
input byte 4 请求不合法。 TCS.5000001 Failed to initialize sdk 内部错误,初始化sdk失败。 可能存在的原因:读取证书文件失败、无法连接到peer等。 TCS.5000002 Failed to send cross tx 跨链交易失败。可能存在的原因:
功能总览 功能总览 全部 注册区块链 购买跨链通道 配置跨链通道 触发跨链交易 浏览交易信息 跨链链代码开发 跨链交易 API接口 注册区块链 将需要进行跨链操作的区块链注册到TCS中。 支持区域: 华北-北京四 注册区块链 购买跨链通道 基于已经注册的区块链,选择两个区块链进行跨链操作。
跨链服务全过程,帮助您快速上手可信跨链服务。 本文主要以两个HyperLedger Fabric增强版区块链Cross-ChainA和Cross-ChainB为例,进行跨链交易演示。交易过程如图1所示,orgA和orgB分别是两个区块链上的组织,A1是orgA组织的一个账户,B1
blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA *
blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA *
blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA *
blockchain A that will transfer the amount of units to the account on blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that
blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA *
blockchain A that will transfer the amount of units to the account on blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that
one account to another account */ func putStateWithLock(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, txID string, account string, balance []byte) error
/* * unlockAccount will delete the account's lock from the blockchain * @Param account: The name of the account whose lock will be unlocked
* Invoke is the entrance of the chaincode invoking */ func (t *TCSExampleChaincode) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
units of one account to another account */ func rollback(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, txID string, account string) error { // get server
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin 安装Go编辑器。编辑器可自行选择,推荐使用Goland:https://www.jetbrains.com/go/download。 父主题: 开发前准备
购买跨链通道 两条链上的交易通过一个通道作为媒介来达成交易,需要购买一条跨链通道来连接两个独立的区块链服务。 操作步骤 登录可信跨链服务管理控制台,进入“跨链通道”页面。 单击“购买跨链通道”,填写基本信息,请参考表1。 表1 购买跨链通道信息 参数 说明 计费模式 包年/包月 区域