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该API属于CodeArtsPipeline服务,描述: This interface is used to obtain the pipeline status or pipeline execution details.
该API属于SWR服务,描述: Obtain organization details.接口URL: "/v2/manage/namespaces/{namespace}"
该API属于FunctionGraph服务,描述: This API is used to query the details of a test event.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/fgs/functions/{function_urn}/events/
该API属于OCR服务,描述: Thailand License Plate recognizes the license plate information in a thailand license plate image and returns the license plate
该API属于AAD服务,描述: Creating Domain接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/aad/external/domains"
该API属于Live服务,描述: This API is used to modify details about a streaming domain name or an ingest domain name.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/domain"
该API属于CFW服务,描述: This API is used to query firewall instance details.接口URL: "/v1/{project_id}/firewall/exist"
该API属于CDM服务,描述: This API is used to query flavor details.接口URL: "/v1.1/{project_id}/flavors/{flavor_id}"
该API属于KMS服务,描述: - Description: This API is used to query the details about a key.接口URL: "/v1.0/{project_id}/kms/describe-key"
该API属于HSS服务,描述: This API is used to query quota details.接口URL: "/v5/{project_id}/billing/quotas-detail"
该API属于CodeArtsPipeline服务,描述: Querying Template Details接口URL: "/v3/templates/{template_id}"
该API属于Meeting服务,描述: * This API is used to query details of all meetings in the management domain of an administrator or query details of all
该API属于CDN服务,描述: "This API is used to copy the configuration of a domain name to other domain names.
该API属于CDN服务,描述: This API is used to query accelerated domain names.接口URL: "/v1.0/cdn/domains"
该API属于GaussDB服务,描述: This API is used to obtain the slow query log details list of a specified DB instance.接口URL: "/v3.1/{project_id}/instances
该API属于ModelArts服务,描述: This API is used to obtain the public flavors supported by a training job.接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/training-job-flavors
该API属于ROMA服务,描述: 接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/apic/instances/{instance_id}/dictionaries/{dict_code}"
接口URL: "/v1/aim/resolve-details"
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