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log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProducerDelayMessageExample.class); private ProducerDelayMessageExample() { } public static void main
msg, 'orderId') print('send message status: ' + str(ret.status) + ' msgId: ' + ret.msg_id) producer.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws MQClientException, UnsupportedEncodingException { TransactionListener transactionListener
TopicTest', callback) print('start consume message') consumer.start() while True: time.sleep(3600) if __name__ == '__main
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "os" "strconv" "time" "github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/golang"
IOException { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks.
org.apache.rocketmq.client.exception.MQClientException; import org.apache.rocketmq.common.message.MessageExt; public class Consumer { public static void main
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/apache/rocketmq-client-go/v2" "github.com/apache/rocketmq-client-go/v2/primitive" "github.com
当消费组不在线时,“消费模式”取值显示为“--”。 父主题: 管理消费组
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "os" "strconv" "time" "github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/golang"
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "os" "strconv" "time" "github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/golang"
org.apache.rocketmq.common.consumer.ConsumeFromWhere; import org.apache.rocketmq.common.message.MessageExt; public class PushConsumer { public static void main
org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.exception.RemotingException; public class ScheduledMessageProducer1 { public static final String TOPIC_NAME = "ScheduledTopic"; public static void main
ret.status) + ' msgId: ' + ret.msg_id) print('send transaction message done') while True: time.sleep(3600) if __name__ == '__main
producer.send_sync(msg) print('send message status: ' + str(ret.status) + ' msgId: ' + ret.msg_id) producer.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main
>=0 RocketMQ实例节点 1分钟 broker_disk_read_await 磁盘平均读操作耗时 磁盘平均读操作耗时 单位:ms 说明: 2022年5月16号及以后购买的实例,支持此监控项。
以下是一些适用于包年/包月计费模式的业务场景: 稳定业务需求:对于长期运行且资源需求相对稳定的业务,如企业官网、在线商城、博客等,包年/包月计费模式能提供较高的成本效益。
PLAINTEXT:服务端与客户端之间通过明文传输,安全性较低,性能较高。 PERMISSIVE:服务端与客户端之间即能通过明文传输又能通过密文传输,传输方式由客户端决定。 请根据实际情况选择。 设置高级配置。