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参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表24 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames 否 Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip 否 String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames 否 Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip 否 String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames 否 Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip 否 String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
RoleBinding 获取指定namespace下RoleBinding列表 创建RoleBinding 删除指定的RoleBinding 获取指定的RoleBinding 更新指定的RoleBinding 替换指定的RoleBinding 获取RoleBinding列表 父主题:
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames 否 Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip 否 String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表24 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
Metrics 获取指定namespace下所有pods的metrics信息 获取指定namespace下指定pod的metrics信息 父主题: API
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表23 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
参数类型 描述 hostnames Array of strings Hostnames for the above IP address. ip String IP address of the host file entry. 表22 io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference
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Secret 删除指定namespace下的Secrets 查询指定namespace下的Secrets 创建Secret 删除Secret 查询Secret 更新Secret 替换Secret 父主题: Kubernetes API
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新增MXJob。 新增PyTorchJob。 2019-09-10 新增API 导入存储:导入已有存储到指定的命名空间。 查询导入的PVC:查询指定命名空间下的PVC。 解绑存储:从指定命名空间解绑存储的接口。 修改数据结构 表10:annotations参数增加限制说明。 表31:删除policy参数。
StatefulSet 删除指定namespace下的StatefulSets 查询指定namespace下的StatefulSets 创建StatefulSet 删除StatefulSet 查询StatefulSet 更新StatefulSet 替换StatefulSet 查询StatefulSet状态
Job 查询用户所有的Jobs 删除指定namespace下的Jobs 查询指定namespace下的Jobs 创建Job 删除Job 查询Job 更新Job 替换Job 查询Job状态 父主题: Kubernetes API