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错误信息: Failed to obtain details about target server %s. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to obtain volume information of target server %s. Cause %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Failed to obtain the disk details of the target server. Cause: %s 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: An exception occurred when the private key and certificate are uploaded to target server %s. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Invalid specifications. 解决办法:检查规格码是否正确,规格在当前可用区是否存在,规格是否支持。
错误信息: The number of tags added for the DB instance has reached the quota. 解决办法:检查实例标签数量是否达到了最大配额。
错误信息: This operation cannot be performed because the DB instance status is Storage full. 解决办法:检查实例存储空间是否已满。
错误信息: The DB instance specifications are sold out. 解决办法:请创建其他规格集群或切换其他可用区或区域。
错误信息: Tenants are restricted and cannot operate APIs such as adding or modifying resources. 解决办法:请联系技术支持。
错误信息: Unsubscription not supported because this service has been awarded a giveaway. 解决办法:云服务参加了特殊赠送活动,不可退订。
错误信息: 实例数量达到配额。 解决办法:请申请扩大配额或者删除不必要的集群实例后再重试。
错误信息: 自动备份开始时间非法。 解决办法:请输入符合要求的自动备份开始时间后重试。
错误信息: Tenant_id in token mismatches with tenant_id in url. 解决办法:检查token和url中tenant_id参数是否正确。
错误信息: 快照数量达到配额! 解决办法:请申请扩大配额或者删除不必要的快照实例后再重试。
错误信息: The number of available nodes in the resource pool is illegal: ${nodeCount} 解决办法:请选择其他资源池。
错误信息: You do not have permission to perform operations on this application. 解决办法:检查一下是否有权限。
错误信息: Gateway products cannot be created on old instances. Create a common product. 解决办法:新建普通产品。
错误信息: Commands cannot be delivered to a device in disconnected or offline state. Bring the device online first. 解决办法:上线设备后重试。
错误信息: Commands cannot be delivered to an offline device if the device shadow is disabled. Enable the device shadow first. 解决办法:开启设备影子。
错误信息: The exported device data is empty. Export at least one device data record. 解决办法:至少选择一条设备数据导出。