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错误信息: The router %(router_id)s does not exist. 解决办法:路由器不存在,请检查输入的路由器是否正确。
错误信息: Router %(router)s has no port for subnet %(subnet)s. 解决办法:请将子网添加到路由器接口。
错误信息: Endpoint is null or empty. //Endpoint is Invalid. //Request is null. //natGatewayId is invalid. //SnatRule id invalid. //NatGatewayId
错误信息: Rule has not been deleted. 解决办法:请联系技术支持。
错误信息: Snat rule for network %(network)s exists. 解决办法:请选择一个未配置SNAT规则的子网。
错误信息: Resource %(res_type)s %(res)s is used by %(user_type)s %(user)s 解决办法:请联系技术支持。
错误信息: get dnatRules error limit is invalid. //get dnatrules error marker is invalid. //endpoint is empty. //DnatRule id invalid. //Request is
错误信息: Port %(port)s is not a valid port. 解决办法:请配置合法的虚拟机Port ID。
错误信息: The port_id, private_ip, internal port and protocol specified have been occupied. 解决办法:请输入与现有DNAT规则不冲突的虚拟机Port ID或私网地址及私网端口。
错误信息: The floating ip, external port and protocol specified have been occupied. 解决办法:请输入与现有DNAT规则不冲突的浮动IP的ID、外网端口、协议。
错误信息: %(limit)s DNAT rules has been associated to this Floating IP, no more is allowed 解决办法:请减少DNAT规则条数。
错误信息: The port_id already existing dnat allport rules or dnat_rules, can no longer create dnat rules or dnat allport rules. 解决办法:虚拟机Port ID与已有
错误信息: The private_ip already existing dnat allport rules or dnat rules, can no longer create dnat rules or dnat allport rules. 解决办法:私网地址与已有DNAT
错误信息: DNAT rule is frozen, can no longer update. 解决办法:请检查DNAT规则绑定的floating_ip是否处于欠费状态或用户账户是否处于欠费状态。
错误信息: The system is busy. Please try again later. 解决办法:系统繁忙,请稍后再试。
错误信息: Either network_id or cidr must be specified.Both can not be specified at the same time 解决办法:请配置SNAT规则时不要同时指定Cidr和Network_id字段。
错误信息: cidr is invalid, make sure it's format is correct. 解决办法:请输入合法的CIDR,例如192.168.0.0/24。
错误信息: cidr in the request conflicts with cidrs of existing rules. 解决办法:请输入与现有SNAT规则不冲突的CIDR。
错误信息: The virtual IP address is not supported. 解决办法:私网地址不支持配置为虚拟IP地址,请配置合法的私网地址。
错误信息: %(limit)s DNAT rules has been associated to this NAT Gateway, no more is allowed 解决办法:请删除一些DNAT规则。