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"error_code" : "LTS.0009", "error_msg" : "Failed to validate the request body" } 状态码: 401 AuthFailed。鉴权失败, 请确认token后再次请求 。 { "error_code" :
sql_alarm_level 是 String 告警级别 sql_alarm_send 是 Boolean 是否发送 domain_id 是 String domainId 最小长度:32 最大长度:32 notification_save_rule 否 SqlNotificationSaveRule
"details" : "The log stream does not existed" } } 状态码: 500 表明服务端能被请求访问到,但是服务内部出错 { "message" : { "code" : "LTS.0203", "details" :
"details" : "The log group does not existed" } } 状态码: 500 表明服务端能被请求访问到,但是服务内部出错 { "message" : { "code" : "LTS.0203", "details" :
{ "message" : { "code" : "LTS.0420", "details" : "Agency not existed, check domain name and agency name" } } 状态码: 500 服务内部错误 { "message"
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
keywords_alarm_send_code 是 Integer 发送主题 0:不变 1:新增 2:修改 3:删除 最小值:0 最大值:3 domain_id 是 String domainId 最小长度:32 最大长度:32 notification_save_rule 否 SqlNotificationSaveRule
sql_alarm_send_code 是 Integer 发送主题 0:不变 1:新增 2:修改 3:删除 最小值:0 最大值:3 domain_id 是 String domainId 最小长度:32 最大长度:32 notification_save_rule 否 SqlNotificationSaveRule
是指JSON日志格式。OBS转储和DIS转储支持JSON和RAW,DMS转储仅支持RAW log_transfer_detail TransferDetail object 日志转储详细信息 log_transfer_mode String 日志转储方式。cycle是指周期性转储
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great
"error_code" : "LTS.0009", "error_msg" : "Failed to validate the request body" } 状态码: 401 AuthFailed。鉴权失败, 请确认token后再次请求 。 { "error_code" :
"error_code" : "LTS.0009", "error_msg" : "Failed to validate the request body" } 状态码: 401 AuthFailed。鉴权失败, 请确认token后再次请求 。 { "error_code" :
ytes、referer、useragent、verb信息。 需求2:对request进行再提取,提取出uri_proto、uri_domain、uri_param信息。 需求3:对解析出来的uri_param进行再提取,提取出uri_path、uri_query信息。 加工规则
"error_code" : "LTS.0009", "error_msg" : "Failed to validate the request body" } 状态码: 401 AuthFailed。鉴权失败, 请确认token后再次请求 。 { "error_code" :
"details" : "params validator error" } } 状态码: 401 AuthFailed。鉴权失败, 请确认token后再次请求 。 { "message" : { "code" : "LTS.0001", "details"
error:插件错误 installing:安装中 install-fail:安装失败 upgrading:升级中 upgrading-transient:升级中 upgrade failed:升级失败 upgrade-fail:升级失败 uninstalling:卸载中 uninstalling-transient:卸载中
"details" : "group or stream not exist" } } 状态码: 500 表明服务端能被请求访问到,但是服务内部出错 { "message" : { "code" : "LTS.0203", "details" : "Internal
语句如下所示: select domain ,count(*) as cnt group by domain order by cnt desc limit 5 域名下载流量Top5图表所关联的查询分析语句如下所示: select domain , sum(response_size)
import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security