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GET /v3/{project_id}/protectables/{protectable_type}/instances/{instance_id}
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
instance_id |
是 |
String |
资源ID |
project_id |
是 |
String |
项目ID |
protectable_type |
是 |
String |
可保护性类型 枚举值:
状态码: 200
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
children |
Array of objects |
子资源 |
detail |
Object |
资源详情 |
id |
String |
id |
name |
String |
名称 |
protectable |
是否可备份 |
size |
Integer |
大小,单位GB |
status |
String |
资源状态 枚举值:
type |
String |
待备份资源的类型: OS::Nova::Server, OS::Cinder::Volume, OS::Ironic::BareMetalServer, OS::Native::Server, OS::Sfs::Turbo, OS:: Workspace ::DesktopV2 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
code |
String |
不支持备份的错误码 |
reason |
String |
不支持备份的原因 |
result |
Boolean |
是否可备份 |
vault |
绑定的存储库 |
message |
String |
资源不可备份的原因信息,当资源可保护性检验失败时才有该字段。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
billing |
运营信息 |
description |
String |
存储库自定义描述信息。 最小长度:0 最大长度:255 |
id |
String |
存储库ID |
name |
String |
存储库名称 最小长度:1 最大长度:64 |
project_id |
String |
项目ID |
provider_id |
String |
存储库资源类型id |
resources |
资源 |
tags |
存储库标签 |
enterprise_project_id |
String |
企业项目id,默认为‘0’。 |
auto_bind |
Boolean |
是否自动绑定,默认为false,不支持。 |
bind_rules |
绑定规则 |
user_id |
String |
用户id |
created_at |
String |
创建时间,例如:"2020-02-05T10:38:34.209782" |
auto_expand |
Boolean |
是否开启存储库自动扩容能力(只支持按需存储库)。 |
smn_notify |
Boolean |
存储库smn 消息通知 开关 缺省值:true |
threshold |
Integer |
存储库容量阈值,已用容量占总容量达到此百分比即发送相关通知 最小值:1 最大值:100 缺省值:80 |
updated_at |
String |
更新时间,例如:"2020-02-05T10:38:34.209782" |
version |
String |
版本 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
allocated |
Integer |
已分配容量,单位GB |
charging_mode |
String |
创建模式,按需:post_paid,包周期:pre_paid,默认为post_paid |
cloud_type |
String |
公有云:public ;混合云:hybrid |
consistent_level |
String |
规格,崩溃一致性(crash_consistent)或应用一致性(app_consistent) |
object_type |
String |
对象类型: 云服务器 (server), 云硬盘 (disk),文件系统(turbo), 云桌面 (workspace),VMware(vmware),关系型 数据库 (rds),文件(file)。 |
order_id |
String |
订单ID |
product_id |
String |
产品ID |
protect_type |
String |
保护类型:备份(backup)、复制(replication)。 |
size |
Integer |
容量,单位GB 最小值:1 最大值:10485760 |
spec_code |
String |
规格编码。 云服务 备份存储库:vault.backup.server.normal; 云硬盘备份 存储库:vault.backup.volume.normal;文件备份存储库:vault.backup.turbo.normal |
status |
String |
存储库状态 枚举值:
storage_unit |
String |
存储库桶名 |
used |
Integer |
已使用容量,单位MB |
frozen_scene |
String |
冻结场景 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
extra_info |
资源附加信息 |
id |
String |
待备份资源id |
name |
String |
待备份资源名称 最小长度:0 最大长度:255 |
protect_status |
String |
保护状态 枚举值:
size |
Integer |
资源已分配容量,单位为GB |
type |
String |
待备份资源的类型: OS::Nova::Server, OS::Cinder::Volume, OS::Ironic::BareMetalServer, OS::Native::Server, OS::Sfs::Turbo, OS::Workspace::DesktopV2 |
backup_size |
Integer |
副本大小 |
backup_count |
Integer |
副本数量 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
exclude_volumes |
Array of strings |
需要排除备份的卷id。仅在多盘备份特性中有效,排除不需要备份的磁盘。当虚拟机新绑定磁盘时,也能继续排除之前设置不用备份的卷。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
key |
String |
键。 key最大长度为36个字符。 key不能为空字符串。 key前后空格会被丢弃。 key不能包含非打印字符ASCII(0-31),“=”,“*”,“<”,“>”,“\”,“,”,“|”,“/”。 key只能由中文,字母,数字,“-”,“_”组成。 |
value |
String |
值。 添加标签时value值必选,删除标签时value值可选。 value最大长度为43个字符。 value可以为空字符串。 value前后的空格会被丢弃。 value不能包含非打印字符ASCII(0-31),“=”,“*”,“<”,“>”,“\”,“,”,“|”,“/”。 value只能由中文,字母,数字,“-”,“_”,“.”组成。 |
GET https://{endpoint}/v3/{project_id}/protectables/{protectable_type}/instances/{instance_id}
状态码: 200
{ "instance" : { "status" : "ACTIVE", "children" : [ { "status" : "in-use", "name" : "volume-f926-0001", "detail" : { "attachments" : [ { "server_id" : "55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "attachment_id" : "3b32cb75-bd96-493b-8fb2-13f063c876d5", "volume_id" : "8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99", "host_name" : null, "attached_at" : "2019-05-08T06:56:25.891730", "device" : "/dev/vdb", "id" : "8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99" } ], "links" : [ { "href" : "https://volume.region1.com/v2/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/volumes/8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99", "rel" : "self" }, { "href" : "https://volume.region1.com/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/volumes/8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99", "rel" : "bookmark" } ], "availability_zone" : "AZ1", "os-vol-host-attr:host" : "AZ1.xxxxxx#FusionStorage", "encrypted" : false, "updated_at" : "2019-05-08T06:56:26.207240", "replication_status" : "disabled", "snapshot_id" : null, "id" : "8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99", "size" : 10, "user_id" : "f3d66502790d4ddaadef5056059ed8f4", "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id" : "3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe", "os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat" : null, "metadata" : { "policy" : "cf3274fc-d23e-4c12-8be7-1e41b3c2faea", "readonly" : "False", "attached_mode" : "rw" }, "status" : "in-use", "description" : null, "multiattach" : false, "source_volid" : null, "consistencygroup_id" : null, "os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id" : null, "name" : "volume-f926-0001", "bootable" : "false", "created_at" : "2019-03-26T09:30:46.783578", "volume_type" : "SATA", "shareable" : false }, "children" : [ ], "type" : "OS::Cinder::Volume", "id" : "8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99", "size" : 10 }, { "status" : "in-use", "name" : "no_delete_for_cbr_interface-volume-0000", "detail" : { "attachments" : [ { "server_id" : "55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "attachment_id" : "e16631fa-0522-4ac8-8f78-19db435caf68", "volume_id" : "13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a", "host_name" : null, "attached_at" : "2019-05-08T06:55:26.563986", "device" : "/dev/vda", "id" : "13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a" } ], "links" : [ { "href" : "https://volume.region1.com/v2/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/volumes/13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a", "rel" : "self" }, { "href" : "https://volume.region1.com/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/volumes/13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a", "rel" : "bookmark" } ], "availability_zone" : "AZ1", "os-vol-host-attr:host" : "AZ1.xxxxxx#kvm_fusionstorage", "encrypted" : false, "updated_at" : "2019-05-08T08:33:07.855484", "replication_status" : "disabled", "snapshot_id" : null, "id" : "13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a", "size" : 40, "user_id" : "3204777a731c4ebea330350c04f41b92", "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id" : "3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe", "os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat" : null, "metadata" : { "policy" : "2ecbcffd-08ba-43f7-bf8d-95daba753464", "readonly" : "False", "attached_mode" : "rw" }, "status" : "in-use", "volume_image_metadata" : { "container_format" : "bare", "min_ram" : "0", "__account_code" : "", "__os_bit" : "64", "size" : "2", "__os_version" : "CentOS 7.2 64bit", "__backup_id" : "", "__description" : "", "__support_diskintensive" : "true", "disk_format" : "vhd", "__isregistered" : "true", "__image_size" : "3295645696", "__platform" : "CentOS", "__root_origin" : "file", "__originalimagename" : "703eb90a-a65f-4c72-b4c1-f070a55d068b", "__quick_start" : "true", "image_name" : "CentOS7.2-cloudinit", "image_id" : "703eb90a-a65f-4c72-b4c1-f070a55d068b", "__os_type" : "Linux", "__image_location" : "", "min_disk" : "40", "__data_origin" : "file,jingxiang:CentOS-7.2-64bit.zvhd2", "__support_kvm" : "true", "virtual_env_type" : "FusionCompute", "__image_source_type" : "uds", "__support_xen" : "true", "checksum" : "99914b932bd37a50b983c5e7c90ae93b", "__imagetype" : "gold", "__productcode" : "" }, "description" : null, "multiattach" : false, "source_volid" : null, "consistencygroup_id" : null, "os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id" : null, "name" : "no_delete_for_cbr_interface-volume-0000", "bootable" : "true", "created_at" : "2019-05-08T06:54:58.477749", "volume_type" : "SATA", "shareable" : false }, "children" : [ ], "type" : "OS::Cinder::Volume", "id" : "13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a", "size" : 40 } ], "protectable" : { "vault" : null, "reason" : "", "code" : "", "result" : true }, "name" : "no_delete_for_cbr_interface", "detail" : { "OS-EXT-STS:task_state" : null, "addresses" : { "94b88790-c906-4450-b7c2-1c2b1ea639bf" : [ { "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr" : "fa:16:3e:9b:9d:af", "version" : 4, "addr" : "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type" : "fixed" }, { "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr" : "fa:16:3e:9b:9d:af", "version" : 4, "addr" : "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type" : "floating" } ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https://compute.region1.com/v2.1/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/servers/55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "rel" : "self" }, { "href" : "https://compute.region1.com/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/servers/55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "rel" : "bookmark" } ], "image" : "", "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state" : "active", "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name" : "instance-0004456e", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at" : "2019-05-08T06:55:38.000000", "flavor" : { "id" : "s3.small.1", "links" : [ { "href" : "https://compute.region1.com/3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe/flavors/s3.small.1", "rel" : "bookmark" } ] }, "id" : "55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "security_groups" : [ { "name" : "default" } ], "user_id" : "f3d66502790d4ddaadef5056059ed8f4", "OS-DCF:diskConfig" : "MANUAL", "accessIPv4" : "", "accessIPv6" : "", "progress" : 0, "OS-EXT-STS:power_state" : 1, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone" : "AZ1", "config_drive" : "", "status" : "ACTIVE", "updated" : "2019-05-08T06:57:02Z", "hostId" : "179f22cafe6b951921bd6deb3b13a978df620427fb37bbb7c619de98", "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host" : "AZ1.xxxxxx", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at" : null, "key_name" : null, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname" : "nova003@36", "name" : "no_delete_for_cbr_interface", "created" : "2019-05-08T06:55:22Z", "tenant_id" : "3aec9116a6a5487ca14987121d2818fe", "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached" : [ { "id" : "8d3d519f-d409-4be3-8a1f-9f7a5ecb7a99" }, { "id" : "13eb535f-8635-4faf-9f08-584d21e78f0a" } ], "metadata" : { "metering.image_id" : "703eb90a-a65f-4c72-b4c1-f070a55d068b", "metering.imagetype" : "gold", "metering.resourcespeccode" : "s3.small.1.linux", "metering.cloudServiceType" : "sys.service.type.ec2", "virtual_env_type" : "FusionCompute", "image_name" : "CentOS7.2-cloudinit", "metering.resourcetype" : "1", "vpc_id" : "94b88790-c906-4450-b7c2-1c2b1ea639bf", "os_bit" : "64", "cas cad ed.instance_extrainfo" : "", "os_type" : "Linux", "charging_mode" : "0" } }, "type" : "OS::Nova::Server", "id" : "55ecd8b8-1457-4a2a-a9df-53756a690082", "size" : 50 } }
状态码 |
描述 |
200 |
OK |