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当GaussDB(DWS)部署为主备双机时,在备机上此参数的设置必须要高于或等于主机上的,否则无法在备机上进行查询操作。 参数类型:POSTMASTER 取值范围:整型,0~536870911,其中CN取值为0表示关闭预备事务的特性。
仅建议管理员用户在问题分析定位过程中使用,不建议作为日常的监控工具使用。 返回值字段: tid:线程id。 lwtid:轻量级线程id。 stack:tid或lwtid线程对应的堆栈信息。
仅建议管理员用户在问题分析定位过程中使用,不建议作为日常的监控工具使用。 返回值字段: tid:线程id。 lwtid:轻量级线程id。 stack:tid或lwtid线程对应的堆栈信息。
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service
template " + [_TEMPLATE]; define _END = "-- end query " + [_QUERY] + " in stream " + [_STREAM] + " using template " + [_TEMPLATE]; 因TPC-DS工具中
template " + [_TEMPLATE]; define _END = "-- end query " + [_QUERY] + " in stream " + [_STREAM] + " using template " + [_TEMPLATE]; 因TPC-DS工具中
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service