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强制调度策略(enforce) CCE工作负载强制弹性到CCI。 本地优先调度策略(localPrefer) 工作负载优先调度到CCE集群,集群资源不足时工作负载弹性到CCI。 不开启(off) 工作负载不会弹性到CCI。 方式一:通过配置labels控制pod调度到CCI 通过CCE集群控制台(co
supports a single TLS port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they will be multiplexed on the same port according to the
"containerPort": 2222, "name": "tfjob-port" }
e/#type-nodeport port Integer The port that will be exposed by this service. protocol String The IP protocol for this port. Supports "TCP", "UDP"
"containerPort": 2222, "name": "tfjob-port" }
supports a single TLS port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they will be multiplexed on the same port according to the
使用CCE集群+bursting基于如下模型,用户需要重点关注下发负载和调度。 下发负载涉及到用户给负载进行的配置项,和用户自身的业务高度相关。 工作负载配置项 功能描述 功能规格 相关文档拓展 调度 用户可以通过多种方式来管理CCE集群的工作负载,来控制其调度到CCI服务。通过合理的调度策略配置,提升用户集群的资源利用率。
defined. port Integer The port number of the endpoint. protocol String The IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP. 请求示例
#type-nodeport port 是 Integer The port that will be exposed by this service. protocol 否 String The IP protocol for this port. Supports "TCP"
that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 OK { "kind" : "APIVersions", "serv
defined. port 是 Integer The port number of the endpoint. protocol 否 String The IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP
"containerPort": 2222, "name": "tfjob-port" }
defined. port Integer The port number of the endpoint. protocol String The IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP. 请求示例
存储 简介 弹性到CCI的工作负载支持多种华为云存储配置,用于满足客户多样化的存储需求。通过阅读本章用户可以: 了解弹性CCI的负载支持的存储类型。 了解弹性CCI的负载Hostpath类型的典型场景以及如何使用。 约束与限制 调度到CCI的实例的存储类型支持ConfigMap、
"containerPort": 2222, "name": "tfjob-port" }
that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 OK { "apiVersion" : "v1", "kind" :
that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 OK { "apiVersion" : "v1", "kind" :
that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 OK { "apiVersion" : "v1", "kind" :
that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. 请求示例 无 响应示例 状态码: 200 OK { "apiVersion" : "v1", "kind" :