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"error_code": 'APIG.1002', "error_msg": 'Incorrect token or token resolution failed' } 状态码: 403 Forbidden { "error" : { "code" : "403", "message"
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerInputFormat", "output_format" : "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerOutputFormat", "number_of_buckets"
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
源类型,则必须在具有该操作的身份策略语句中指定该资源的URN,身份策略仅作用于此资源;如未指定,Resource默认为“*”,则身份策略将应用到所有资源。您也可以在身份策略中设置条件,从而指定资源类型。 LakeFormation定义了以下可以在自定义身份策略的Resource元素中使用的资源类型。
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason:
400 Bad Request { "error_code" : "common.01000001", "error_msg" : "failed to read http request, please check your input, code: 400, reason: