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# 通过指定EIPPool的形式使用EIP ... 执行以下命令,查看EIPPool详情,-n表示EIPPool所在的命名空间。 回显信息中名称为eippool-demo1的EIPPool,使用量加1,表示Pod绑定EIP资源成功。 # kubectl get eippool
"system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest
"system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest
"system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest
"system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest
# EIP的一些属性 ... 执行以下命令,查看EIPPool详情,-n表示EIPPool所在的命名空间。 回显信息中名称为eippool-demo1的EIPPool,USAGE由0/3更新为0/5,表示EIPPool更新成功。 # kubectl get
以在EIP参数界面查看参数具体的功能描述,取值范围和约束。 执行以下命令,查看EIPPool详情,-n表示EIPPool所在的命名空间。 回显信息中有名称为eippool-demo1的EIPPool,表示动态EIPPool已创建成功。 # kubectl get eippool -n
/tmp/healthy命令,如果成功执行并返回0,则说明容器是健康的。 Liveness Probe高级配置 上面liveness-http的describe命令回显中有如下行。 Liveness: http-get http://:8080/ delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s
请求失败:查询的应用不存在 请查询正确的应用 409 CCI.04.409112 The chart is already existed in database 模板上传失败,模板名字已存在 请修改模板名字后重试 409 CCI.04.409123 The chart name is conflict
例的相关资源。 例如,查看北京四的namespace资源。 kubectl get ns No resources found. 您可以从回显中看到北京四没有任何命名空间,在云容器实例中创建资源首先需要创建一个命名空间,具体方法请参见Namespace和Network。 当通过A
replaces the deprecated kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence
replaces the deprecated kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence
replaces the deprecated kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence
replaces the deprecated kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence
field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers
field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers
field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers
field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers
field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers
replaces the deprecated kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence