检测到您已登录华为云国际站账号,为了您更好的体验,建议您访问国际站服务网站 https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn
错误信息: Failed to log in. The user does not exist or is not activated. 解决办法:请确认用户信息是否存在且激活后重试
错误信息: An error occurred when the bss service is called. 解决办法:建议重试,如果多次重试报错请联系客服人员处理。
错误信息: An error occurred when the Cloudsite service is called. 解决办法:建议重试,如果多次重试报错请联系客服人员处理。
错误信息: An error occurred when the neutron service is called. 解决办法:建议重试,如果多次重试报错请联系客服人员处理。
错误信息: The number of password retrieval times in a day reached the maximum(10 times). 解决办法:请等待24小时后再尝试找回密码
错误信息: 从指定URL下载音频文件失败。 解决办法:请检查OBS是否为公共读状态,或开通了委托授权。
错误信息: Parameter contains invalid letter. Should only contains English characters, number, hyphen or underscore. 解决办法:
错误信息: The automatic renewal has been canceled. The current operation cannot be performed. 解决办法:请选择其他资源进行续费操作。
错误信息: the validity period of the credit line allocated or recovered has expired 解决办法:请检查信用额度的有效期。
错误信息: Failed to change the frozen resource to pay-per-use. 解决办法:违规冻结资源不允许设置转按需。
错误信息: The account has been frozen and cannot be changed to pay-per-use. 解决办法:账号已经被冻结,不允许设置转按需。
错误信息: The customer has real-name authentication or real-name authentication in the audit 解决办法:请重试操作或者联系客服处理。
错误信息: Real-name authentication is required for this operation. Complete real-name authentication. 解决办法:请先完成实名认证。
错误信息: Invalid request method. Use the request method described in OMS API Reference. 解决办法:请参考接口文档检查请求方法。
错误信息: Invalid parameter. Invalid source bucket is included. Check the source bucket parameter. 解决办法:请检查源端桶参数。
错误信息: Only tasks in Creation failed or Failed state can be restarted. Check the task status. 解决办法:请检查任务状态。
错误信息: Failed to execute the synchronization task. Because the I/O monitoring module failed to run. 解决办法:请联系技术支持
错误信息: Cross account authorization does not support cloud connection instances of this account. 解决办法:请检查授权的云连接实例信息。
错误信息: Subservice {name} of service {name} has been subscribed. 解决办法:已订阅子服务可直接使用,无需重复订阅。
错误信息: Insufficient node quota. 解决办法:联系服务运维人员申请增加配额或者删除无用的节点释放资源。