Why Huawei Cloud?
- 1. Most users are from across Southeast Asia. Cross-border and long-distance content delivery fails expectations.
- 2. Users watch videos on their browser, smart TV, smart box, or app. Smaller home network bandwidth and disparities in network environment result in slow or failed downloads.
- 3. MONOMAX has many users. Monthly top-up promotions or new video releases may cause burst in bandwidth and QPS, greatly challenging the resource redundancy of CDN vendors.
- 4. It is difficult to add and maintain servers in the on-premises IDC without dedicated services available. As a result, MONOMAX's requirements for PaaS cannot be met.
Huawei Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) customizes VOD acceleration for MONOMAX.
- 1. Personalized:
MONOMAX businesses are highly dependent on the carrier 3BB network. Huawei Cloud built CDN nodes on this network to better serve MONOMAX users.
- 2. Precise:
During the POC test, Huawei Cloud adjusted routes multiple times to determine the optimal origin pull route, reducing the pull time and maximizing the client access experience.
- 3. Professional:
Based on the customer requirements, Huawei Cloud optimized the cache settings at the backend, improving the hit ratio from 80% to 95% and reducing the origin pull bandwidth and customer costs.
- 4. Intelligent:
MONOMAX's peak hours are from 19:00 to 21:00 (Thailand time). Huawei Cloud CDN performs intelligent scheduling to ensure user experience even if the bandwidth increases sharply.