
New Computing Paradigm

Focus on the service logic, not the underlying resources


Roll out twice as fast, at half the cost

Auto Scaling

Respond to traffic peaks in milliseconds

Full Function Lifecycle

Use an E2E serverless toolchain powered by three decades of Huawei R&D expertise

Why FunctionGraph?

Simplified Development and Deployment

Simplified Development and Deployment

  • Focus on function coding and condition setting, no infrastructure management needed

  • Development in hours, deployment in minutes, O&M-free

Fast Scaling

Fast Scaling

  • Auto increase/decrease of function instances to fulfill concurrent requests

  • Millisecond CPU/GPU provisioning on demand

  • Snapshot-based cold start in seconds instead of image-based in minutes

Extremely Low Cost

Extremely Low Cost

  • Billing by number of requests and usage duration measured in milliseconds

  • No charge when not running code or when resources are idle

  • Dynamic resource allocation with 50% higher utilization

Visualized Orchestration

Visualized Orchestration

  • Visualized drag-and-drop function orchestration

  • Compatible with the open-source CNCF Serverless Workflow Specification

Elastic Computing for Multiple Scenarios

Real-Time File Processing
Real-Time File Processing

FunctionGraph processes files (such as creates image thumbnails, converts video formats, aggregates and filters data files) in real time by triggering functions once a client uploads a file to OBS.

High Scalability

FunctionGraph automatically allocates resources to run more function instances as the number of received requests increases.

Event-based Triggering

Files are uploaded to OBS to trigger the file processing function.

Pay per Use

Fees are generated solely for file processing duration, for fewer off-peak resource costs.

Related Services
Real-Time Stream Processing
Real-Time Stream Processing

Combine FunctionGraph with DIS to process real-time streaming data for application activity tracking, transaction order processing, stream analysis, data cleansing, metrics generation, log filtering, indexing, social media analysis, and IoT device data telemetry and metering.

Event-based Triggering

Data is collected from DIS streams to trigger data processing functions.

High Scalability

FunctionGraph automatically allocates resources to run more function instances as the number of received requests increases.

Pay per Use

Fees are generated solely for file processing duration, for fewer off-peak resource costs.

Related Services
Web & Mobile Backends
Web & Mobile Backends

Interconnect FunctionGraph with other Huawei Cloud services or your own VMs to quickly build highly available and scalable web & mobile backends.

High Availability

FunctionGraph ensures high reliability of website data using OBS and CloudTable, and high availability of website logic using APIG.

High Scalability

FunctionGraph automatically allocates resources to run more function instances as the number of received requests increases.

Pay per Use

Fees are generated solely for file processing duration, for fewer off-peak resource costs.

Related Services
AI Service Integration
AI Service Integration

Integrate FunctionGraph with Huawei Cloud Enterprise Intelligence (EI) services for text recognition and image moderation.

Easy Building

FunctionGraph works with EI services to suit a wide range of scenarios. It is adjustable whenever your demands change.

Easy O&M

Simply apply for related services and write service code. You won't need to provision or manage servers. FunctionGraph automatically allocates resources to run more function instances as the number of received requests increases.

Pay per Use

Fees are generated solely for function execution and used EI services, without off-peak resource costs.

Industry Recognition

Industry Recognition

Continuous Innovation with Customers

Continuous Innovation with Customers

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