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HUAWEI CLOUD Pricing>Price Calculator
Settlement Method
Elastic Cloud Server
If left blank, a default description will be generated.
Selected specifications: ac8.large.2 | 2 vCPUs | 4GiB
No data
You can attach 23 more disks.

1. The price is an estimate and may differ from the final price.

2. When resource usage is calculated using the pay-per-use billing mode, decimal numerals are rounded off and accurate to two decimal places. For example, if the estimated price is less than $0.01 USD (after rounding off), $0.01 USD will be displayed.

3. The exchange rate used to estimate the price comes from XE.com or the country's central bank, and is for reference only.

Tax Statement:
The Price Calculator only provides an estimate of fees and does not include VAT, sales tax, goods and service tax (GST), or any similar turnover tax. For details about taxes, see the tax clauses in the HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Agreement.
Estimated Price
USD 67.77
Select and add a product and its specifications on the left to the price list.
Estimated Price
USD 0.00

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