Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Unleash the power of the cloud to take on workloads of any scale
Unleash the power of the cloud to take on workloads of any scale
Learn about basic concepts about and common operations on ECSs.
Learn about how to rapidly purchase and log in to a key-pair-authenticated Windows ECS.
Learn about how to rapidly purchase and log in to a key-pair-authenticated Linux ECS.
An ECS is a basic computing unit that consists of vCPUs, memory, OS, and EVS disks.
The ECS lifecycle refers to the entire journey an ECS goes through, from creation to deletion (or release).
You can choose from a broad range of ECS types to meet your service needs.
ECSs are more cost-effective than physical servers. Within minutes, you can obtain ECS resources from the cloud service platform. ECS resources are flexible and on-demand. This section describes how to purchase an ECS on the management console.
Logging In to a Windows ECS | Logging In to a Linux ECS | Follow-up Procedure
If you have added a data disk during ECS creation, you must initialize the data disk after logging in to the ECS.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit is used as an example to describe how to automatically initialize data disks attached to a server running Windows.
CentOS 7.4 64bit is used as an example to describe how to initialize data disks attached to a server running Linux using the initialization script.
ECS Advantages
Elastic, flexible cloud migration that is easy and inexpensive
- You can use a web-based console or open APIs to manage your ECSs.
- You can configure auto scaling policies to add or remove ECS instances automatically.
- ECS provides pay-per-use, yearly/monthly, and spot price billing modes for you to choose from.

Flagship products with robust performance
- ECSs with up to 208 vCPUs and 4,096 GiB of memory are available to deliver industry-leading computing power.
- 10-million PPS performance is industry-leading performance. Intranet bandwidth for individual ECSs reaches up to 44 Gbit/s.
- Thousands of ECSs can be provisioned within minutes.
A wide range of specifications, catering to your needs
- A broad range of servers are available for you to choose from: x86, Kunpeng, Ascend, and heterogeneous ECSs.
- You can use public, private, shared, and Marketplace images to create ECSs.
- ECSs and images can be deployed with just a few clicks without any configurations for website setup and application development.

A solid data platform, ensuring data reliability
- Nine nines (99.9999999%) of data durability, ensuring your data security and reliability.
- A variety of EVS disk types are available for different needs: extreme SSD, ultra-high I/O, general purpose SSD, and high I/O.
- You can share or encrypt disks, back up disks or servers, and create snapshots to satisfy demands of different services.
Multiple levels of protection, securing your data in the cloud
- Security vulnerabilities and threats can be detected, and configuration checks, suggestions, and best practices are provided to help you reduce or eliminate losses caused by viruses or online attacks.
- Professional anti-DDoS technologies are used to refine anti-DDoS capabilities for Internet applications.
- Working with the internationally renowned digital certificate service institute, Huawei provides one-stop lifecycle management of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates and Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates to offer reliable identity authentication and secure data transmission for websites.

FAQs About ECS
Videos About elastic ECS
ECS Service Introduction
Setting Up an FTP Site (Windows)
Configuring Multi-User Logins for a Windows ECS
Modifying ECS Specifications
Learn more about elastic ECS