Typical Scenarios

Smart Insight

Smart Insight

The Smart insight provides a multi-role management portal for CXOs, network optimization directors and engineers through geographic insights from user distribution, service and experience multi-dimensions in order to short the decision-making period.

  • Large, medium, and small screens for multi-level teams collaboration.
  • O+B convergent data analysis; Flexible analysis user service experience through Geo-based view.
  • Automatically generate network evaluation reports and poor-QoE cells. The period from insight to decision-making is shortened from month to day; the period of network evaluation reports is shortened from 2 weeks to day, the period of new scenario is shortened from month to week.
5G value-driven network construction

5G value-driven network construction

The feature provides high-value grids, sites, and buildings filter though One-click entropy weight method multi-dimensional modeling; improves 5G coverage and high-value user coverage through 3D simulation planning. Meanwhile the feature visualizes the planning, construction, maintenance, optimization and operation process by delivery systems integration.

  • Number of High-value 5G user increased by 10%+.
  • 5G Coverage improvement by 5% to 8%.
  • The period of site planning is shortened from months to weeks.
AI-assisted traffic prediction

AI-assisted traffic prediction

Based on the prediction model, the feature automatically identifies traffic changes caused by network scale-out and user migration. Meanwhile the feature accurately predicts the cell-level trends of traffic, user, network capacity in the coming three months.

  • The expansion period is shortened by 50%.
  • Complaints from high-value users decreased by more than 30% and traffic from high-value users increased by more than 20%.
  • The accuracy of Cell-level AI traffic prediction > 80%.

Smart Planning on cloud Deployment Solution

Smart Planning on cloud Deployment Solution

Terms & Conditions

Best Practice: Planning-Deployment-Maintenance-Optimization Mechanism Promotes HVC Traffic Growth

Best Practice: Planning-Deployment-Maintenance-Optimization Mechanism Promotes HVC Traffic Growth

Terms & Conditions

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