Why Huawei AICC
Flexible Efficient Call Centers
Omni-Channel Access
Huawei AICC provides one-stop access by phone, from a browser, or through Social APP and other applications, for your call centers. Your customers can contact customer service personnel anytime, anywhere, and from nearly any device.
Video Call Center
Huawei AICC provides video capabilities for your call centers, including video IVR and P2P video calls, improving customer experience.
Full-Function Agent Workbench
Huawei AICC sorts agent workflows and business functions based on service scenarios and provides an easy-to-use one-stop agent workbench that integrates all the functions of your call center.
Online IVR Flow Editing
On the visualized IVR flow configuration page, service administrators can quickly customize IVR flows, such as traditional voice services or text-to-speech (TTS), logical judgment, and interfaces. No major technical skills are required. You can be up and running in 5 minutes.
Efficient Onsite Management
Huawei AICC provides real-time and post-event inspection functions and charts of various operational indicators to help you stay on top of service quality and keep abreast of the states of your call centers at a glance.