Simulation Solution

Simulation Solution

A high-performance, reliable, and secure solution from Huawei and advanced software vendors in the CAE industry for automotive manufacturers

A high-performance, reliable, and secure solution from Huawei and advanced software vendors in the CAE industry for automotive manufacturers

Large and Scalable Computing Clusters with On-premises/Cloud Scheduling

Large and Scalable Computing Clusters with On-premises/Cloud Scheduling

Why Huawei Cloud Automotive Simulation Solution

High Performance

High Performance

  • HPC-dedicated vRoCE BMS (Bare Metal Server) instances, third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor running on Huawei Cloud's QingTian architecture with the dominant frequency up to 3.0 GHz, and an innovative cluster network.

Plentiful Resources

Plentiful Resources

  • Hundreds of instance specifications are provided for high elasticity and stability and support eight major service scenarios: high-performance computing, general computing-plus, memory-optimized, disk-intensive, ultra-high I/O, GPU-accelerated, AI-accelerated, and general computing-basic.

Extensive Ecosystem

Extensive Ecosystem

  • We have worked with multiple partners to build an efficient, stable and interconnected high-performance supercomputing platform.

Strong Security

Strong Security

  • A reliable high-performance computing platform and end-to-end security services and solutions ensure user data security through secure connections, and secure isolation, data encryption, fast data erasing and data backup without taking services offline.

Improve Automotive Simulation for Typical Computing Scenarios

Improve Automotive Simulation for Typical Computing Scenarios

Crash Simulation
Crash Simulation
Business Challenges

Low-latency computing is required for quick simulations and analyses.


Huawei Cloud HPC Clusters


High-performance: 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor

Low latency: 5 μs vRoCe network latency

High bandwidth: 100 GB/s bandwidth

Structure Simulation
Structure Simulation
Business Challenges

High requirements on large memory, multi-core high-frequency CPU compute, and IOPS of ultra-high storage


Huawei Cloud HPC Clusters


High-performance: 3rd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor

Multi-core and high clock speed: 76 physical cores per node, 2.8 GHz dominant frequency

HPC-dedicated file storage: millions of IOPS, latency < 1 ms, and bandwidth up to 48 GB/s

Fluid Simulation
Fluid Simulation
Business Challenges

Ultra-large-scale parallel compute and high data storage capabilities are required for the fluid analysis.


Huawei Cloud HPC Clusters


High-performance: 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor

HPC-dedicated file storage: millions of IOPS, latency < 1 ms, and bandwidth up to 48 GB/s

Elastic Volume Service (EVS): various specifications to meet users' requirements in different scenarios.

Huawei Cloud HPC Clusters: Preferred Choice for Automotive Simulation

Huawei Cloud HPC Clusters: Preferred Choice for Automotive Simulation

Industry-leading BMS
Architecture Advantages

Low latency: 5 μs vRoCe network latency

High bandwidth: 100 GB/s bandwidth

High dominant frequency: 3.0 GHz CPU

Multiple specifications: local SSD disks and BMSs

Leading high-performance storage: SFS Turbo HPC

Ultra-high storage: millions of IOPS, latency < 1 ms, bandwidth up to 48 GB/s

Ultra-large capacity: 1 PB of capacity per file system

High reliability: 99.99% availability and 99.999999999% durability

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Faster Development with Leading Industry Partners

Faster Development with Leading Industry Partners



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