Business Challenges
Business Challenges
It is difficult to promote mobile apps and increase downloads. Enterprises mainly focus on attracting users and increasing their revenues.It is difficult to promote mobile apps and increase downloads. Enterprises mainly focus on attracting users and increasing their revenues.
During application development, efficiency varies but resource investment is high. Enterprises need to ensure product quality while shortening their rollout and iteration periods.During application development, efficiency varies but resource investment is high. Enterprises need to ensure product quality while shortening their rollout and iteration periods.
Developers need to optimize the performance of their applications on different terminal devices and ensure a consistent user experience during development and iteration.Developers need to optimize the performance of their applications on different terminal devices and ensure a consistent user experience during development and iteration.
Services can be affected by various factors and access traffic is often unstable during peak hours. Enterprises developing mobile applications need to ensure the availability of their services and avoid wasting resources.Services can be affected by various factors and access traffic is often unstable during peak hours. Enterprises developing mobile applications need to ensure the availability of their services and avoid wasting resources.
Enterprises need to ensure that their user experience is consistent regardless of the quality of a user's network environment.Enterprises need to ensure that their user experience is consistent regardless of the quality of a user's network environment.
There are a number of risks to application services and data during operations, including DDoS attacks, virus injections, and Trojans.There are a number of risks to application services and data during operations, including DDoS attacks, virus injections, and Trojans.
Solution Architectures
After an app initially rolls out, success may lead to explosive growth in its number of users, resulting in unstable access traffic loads. HUAWEI CLOUD can automatically adjust computing resources based on service requirements and preset strategies to ensure an optimal user experience.
Recommended Configurations
Success Stories
Built a centralized platform which integrates all provinces' data, supports 300,000 requests per minute, and shortens service rollout duration to three weeks.
Integrated the project outsourcing platform for mobile Internet applications, product acceptance test platform, and data center IT infrastructure leasing.