Common Problems
Common Problems
Compliance Resources
Documents related to compliance with laws and regulations of Chile. More documents are available from Resource Center.
Compliance with Chile PDPL
Huawei Cloud shares the experience and practices regarding privacy protection when complying with PDPL from the Republic of Chile,as well as describe how to help customers meet PDPL compliance requirements in the Republic of Chile.
HUAWEI CLOUD Compliance with CSA CCM
Introduce the cloud security measures taken by HUAWEI CLOUD based on CCM and CAIQ which are published by Cloud Security Alliance.
Practical Guide for PCI DSS
Based on the main content of PCI DSS, the whitepaper introduces the data protection measures took by HUAWEI CLOUD and how HUAWEI CLOUD's products and services help customers respond the requirements of the certification.
HUAWEI CLOUD Compliance with ISO/IEC 27001
Based on the main content of ISO/IEC 27001, the whitepaper introduces HUAWEI CLOUD’s overall information security policies and specific control measures and how HUAWEI CLOUD's products and services help customers respond the requirements of the certification.