Video on Demand (VOD)

Premium Experience

With accelerated content distribution, your video starts playing in seconds and responds in milliseconds, offering smooth and stable video playback and revolutionizing the video experience.

Cost Reduction

Coupled with pay-per-use billing and auto scaling, low-bitrate HD transcoding reduces bitrate usage by 20–30% without compromising video quality. Media files can be stored by media asset or source file.

Fast Integration

You can upload your media assets using different methods, such as through the console, APIs, or SDKs. You can also easily customize your transcoding and publishing settings.

Security & Reliability

Multi-level protection such as hotlink protection, playback authentication, video encryption, and digital rights management (DRM) fortifies video security.

Why Huawei Cloud VOD?

Providing a one-stop intelligent VOD solution for massive video content

Secure, Smooth, and Customizable

Our VOD service is customizable, allowing you to quickly build smooth, easy-to-integrate, secure, and reliable VOD applications.

Superlative Playback Experience

Technologies such as unilateral MW6 acceleration, multiple TCP connections, and quality-driven streaming (QDS) maintain a low latency of playback start and drag, as well as low frame freezing.

Powerful Video Transcoding

Both custom and preset transcoding templates are available. Low-bitrate HD smoothens playback without compromising video quality.

Enhanced Video Security

Hotlink protection, HLS encryption, DRM, and watermarking protect content copyrights.

Comprehensive Statistics

A multi-dimensional data dashboard informs you of metrics such as resource usage, hit ratio, and status code in a timely manner. Statistics on popular media assets are collected every day to reduce costs and improve service efficiency.

One-stop Solution

The solution yields a wide range of capabilities such as OBS, transcoding, and CDN distribution, and offers lightweight upload SDKs and APIs for quick integration with your service systems.

VOD for Any Scenario


Short Films

A broad array of features, such as content review, media asset management, multi-language subtitling, copyright protection, low-bitrate HD, and real-time packaging, make the audience happier and help you get the most out of your viewership.

Traditional Media OTT

Features such as DRM-based copyright protection, adaptive streaming media real-time packaging, and Live-to-VOD facilitate the cloud migration of traditional media OTT.

Education & Training

Diversified upload capabilities, media asset management, and efficient content distribution on CDN improve both teaching and learning in online education.

Web Disk Apps

Optimal compression and transcoding, media asset classification, and multi-level storage capabilities lower storage costs and boost efficiency.

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