Getting Started with COC

Getting Started with COC

Secure, efficient, one-stop, and AI-powered O&M platform

Secure, efficient, one-stop, and AI-powered O&M platform

Get Started with COC in 3 Easy Steps

Get Started with COC in 3 Easy Steps

Get Started with COC in 10 Minutes

Get Started with COC in 10 Minutes

O&M Overview

Integrated modules like resource health status view, resource monitoring, application monitoring, security overview, and quick links, deliver a one-stop resource information overview

Application Modeling

Manages relationships between applications and cloud resources and builds application models based on those relationships. Supported by resource monitoring and automated O&M features, these models help you manage your resource environments centrally and in a timely manner

Patch Management

Supports automated and periodic compliance inspections of OS patches so that compliance issues can be identified, and corresponding compliance reports generated, in a timely manner. This ensures timely OS repairs

Job Management

Enables you to customize atomic actions in jobs such as orchestrating scripts and APIs, and provides automated and periodic job execution capabilities, simplifying and expediting your routine O&M

Standardized Fault Management

Provides mature and standard O&M troubleshooting processes, covering scenarios like incidents, alarms, and WarRoom requests, to safeguard services

Intelligent Chaos Drills

Enables you to proactively identify, manage, and mitigate cloud application risks, improving the resilience of those applications

Best Practices

Best Practices