Huawei Cloud Advertising Guidelines

Huawei Cloud Advertising Guidelines

"HUAWEI" "HUAWEI CLOUD" trademarks and brands are intellectual property of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (“Huawei”), and are important and valuable assets of the company. "HUAWEI" "HUAWEI CLOUD" Advertising Guidelines are intended for use by authorized Solution Partners and their authorized sellers. Trademarks must be used properly. Please follow these guidelines for using HUAWEI's trademarks and brands properly in all communications, documents, and electronic messages.

1. Prohibited brand usage.

Do not make unlicensed use of "HUAWEI CLOUD" licensed logos. Third-party use of "HUAWEI CLOUD" logos requires a license or written permission from HUAWEI CLOUD.

Do not incorporate "HUAWEI CLOUD" trademarks or logos into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names, and do not adopt marks or logos that are confusingly similar to "HUAWEI CLOUD"'s marks and logos.

2. "HUAWEI CLOUD" is not a sponsor of your promotions.

Your use of the "HUAWEI CLOUD" brand should not imply partnership, endorsement or sponsorship of your promotions.

3. Usage that Requires Approval.

All marketing, advertising, promotional and other public relations materials that use the "HUAWEI CLOUD" logos/trademarks or mention "HUAWEI CLOUD" or its services must receive prior written approval from Huawei.

No exceptions. You may not add any of the "HUAWEI CLOUD" trademarks, including the "HUAWEI CLOUD" logo, to any post/blog/tweet/etc.

4. Key principle

All advertisements must comply with laws, regulations and industry guidelines.

HUAWEI reserve the exclusive right to review the contents of all advertisements prior to publication and to reject any advertisement deemed inappropriate for display on service media.

Initial acceptance of any advertisement does not imply that subsequent advertisements from the advertiser, even with the same or similar content, will be approved.

5. Advertising that is not permitted under any circumstances

The following categories of advertising are not permitted:

•   tobacco, gambling, lotteries or advertising promoting the consumption or sale of alcohol;

•   advertising that causes offence or incites hatred of any individual, group or class;

•   advertisements containing scenes or descriptions of non-consensual pain, suffering, death, torture or ill-treatment of humans or animals;

•   advertising relating to bombs, guns, ammunition and other offensive weapons;

•   advertising containing sexually explicit content and/or sexual innuendo and/or advertising containing offensive language;

•   advertising that is misleading or deceptive or be likely to mislead or deceive;

•   advertising that contains a misrepresentation which is likely to cause damage to the business or goodwill of a competitor;

•   advertising that is defamatory;

•   advertising that is of a political nature.

Last update: Jan. 2019

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