Why Huawei Cloud?

Full Stack of Reliability and Network Latency

Huawei Cloud offers a comprehensive and reliable stack of services, ranging from computing and storage solutions to networking and security features that ensures customers have access to a wide range of tools and resources to meet their specific needs. Additionally, Huawei's global data centers and advanced network infrastructure help Smile Shop minimize network latency, ensuring swift and responsive access to cloud resources.

Full Solution Provider

Huawei Cloud provides a holistic and complete solution to address various customer requirements. Whether it's for startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, or corporations, Huawei Cloud offers tailored solutions to meet diverse business demands. This all-encompassing approach simplifies the cloud adoption process for Smile Shop to find all necessary services and tools under one roof.

24/7 Service and Technical Support

Ensuring seamless and uninterrupted cloud services is crucial for businesses. Huawei Cloud stands out by providing round-the-clock customer service and technical support that Smile Shop can rely on timely assistance and guidance from Huawei's experts whenever they face any issues or have queries related to the cloud services.

Sensible Commercial Terms

Huawei Cloud offers flexible and competitive commercial terms for its services. Smile Shop appreciate the transparency and clarity in pricing, as well as the ability to choose from various pricing models based on their usage and business requirements. Such flexible commercial terms ensure that Smile Shop can optimize costs and align their cloud expenses with their actual usage.


In the field of e-commerce, a platform must seamlessly accommodate substantial user traffic, ensure swift internet access, and manage unpredictable visitors traffic surges. Security breaches stand tall as one of the most formidable challenges in this domain. Handling vast amounts of data while navigating technical intricacies further compounds the complexity. To conquer these hurdles, Smile Shop approached Huawei Cloud and now enjoying heightened security, ample capacity, and improved performance.


  • Elastic Cloud Server (ECS):
  • Smile Shop leverages Huawei's ECS to host their applications and services. ECS offers scalable and on-demand compute resources, enabling Smile Shop to adjust their computing capacity as needed, ensuring optimal performance and efficient resource utilization. This flexibility ensures that their applications run securely, efficiently, and adapt to changing demands without any downtime.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN):
  • The CDN service helps Smile Shop deliver content to end-users with reduced latency and improved performance. By caching and distributing content across multiple edge servers, Huawei's CDN accelerates the delivery of web pages, images, videos, and other media, providing an enhanced user experience.

  • Relational Database Service (RDS):
  • Smile Shop relies on RDS, a stable and secure database service, to store and manage their data. RDS offers a managed database environment, taking care of tasks like backups, software updates, and security patches. This ensures the integrity and security of the customer's critical data and allows Smile Shop to focus on their applications and business logic, without worrying about managing the underlying database infrastructure.

  • Cloud Backup and Recovery:
  • With Huawei Cloud backup and recovery solution, Smile Shop can safeguard their data against potential loss or corruption incidents. All data is regularly backed up and stored securely in the cloud. This guarantees data resilience and ensures that the customer can quickly restore their data in case of any unexpected incidents or disasters with high security.

  • High Performance Virtual Machines (VMs):
  • Smile Shop can run their applications on high-performance VMs provided by Huawei Cloud. These VMs are capable of handling substantial workloads, ensuring Smile Shop's applications run smoothly and without any performance bottlenecks.

Customer Benefits


Handling Unpredictable Big Traffic Access

One of the significant challenges for the Smile Shop is dealing with unpredictable spikes in their platform traffic. Huawei Cloud's elastic and scalable infrastructure allows Smile Shop to handle surges in user visits and traffic. Cloud resources can be automatically adjusted to accommodate increased load, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted service even during peak periods. By handling big traffic access effectively, the customer avoids potential website crashes or slowdowns that could lead to loss of customers and revenue.

Cost Savings

Prior to using Huawei Cloud, Smile Shop may have had to invest in expensive on-premises hardware and infrastructure to handle occasional high traffic loads. With Huawei Cloud's pay-as-you-go model, Smile Shop only pays for the resources they actually consume during peak times. This cost-effective approach eliminates the need for over-provisioning and allows Smile Shop to optimize their expenses, saving them money in the long run.

Reduced Service Deployment Time

Huawei Cloud's ease of use and quick setup significantly reduce the time required to deploy and configure services. Smile Shop can swiftly launch their applications and services on the cloud without the need for lengthy hardware provisioning or complex software installations. This agility enables Smile Shop to respond rapidly to market demands and deploy new features or services quickly, gaining a competitive edge.

Maintenance Service Simplification

Huawei Cloud manages the underlying infrastructure and handles routine maintenance tasks such as hardware updates, security patches, and backups. This relieves Smile Shop from the burden of managing and maintaining their own infrastructure, freeing up their IT team to focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities. Smile Shop benefits from a hassle-free cloud environment while ensuring that their services run efficiently and securely.