Infrastructure as a Service: Huawei Cloud has made long-term investments in Thailand and established the first global cloud powered by the Thailand data center. Huawei Cloud has deployed three Availability Zones (AZs) in Thailand, which provide a high-speed and low-latency network.

The local teams of Huawei Cloud provide support throughout the entire lifecycle, including customization, R&D, and deployment. Huawei Cloud offers services tailored to the Thai market and helps customers meet local data compliance, such as Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

Huawei Cloud and its more than 300 partners in Thailand have created a thriving local business ecosystem together.


•  Thailand has become one of the largest durian exporters of the Chinese market. There are at least three processing stages that durians have to go through before they reach the Chinese market: harvesting and storage on Thai orchards, international logistics, and logistics and storage in China. Lengthy operation and storage times during any of these stages compromise the quality of the durians.

•  The different varieties and ripening stages of durians, as well as the complex harvesting process, require experienced farmers and refined technologies to ensure quality identification. CP Group adopted the near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy method to detect the ripeness and quality of durians. However, NIR detection only delivers an accuracy of about 50%, which fails to meet market requirements. CP Group wanted to harness innovative technology to improve the accuracy of this identification to more than 90%.


  • HUAWEI CLOUD collects, learns, and analyses Durian DM (Dry matter) data, to conduct fully automatic analysis and end-to-end learning of DM data, and optimized algorithms to detect Durian maturity. Based on the DM value, durian can be quickly categorized into mature, unripe and over-ripe, which can scientifically control the storage time.


• Durian quality inspection, supercharged by modern data, algorithm, AI and 5G systems, guarantees that every durian is perfectly ripe and meets the defined standards of buyers and exporters.

• Fewer unripe or low-quality durians enter the market, which bolsters consumer confidence in Thai durians worldwide.