MV: Migrating Data to GaussDB for Better Healthcare - TAKE A CLOUD LEAP


Migrating Data to
GaussDB for
Better Healthcare

MV is the third largest IT company and the largest medical information company in Brazil. To embrace the challenges of digital transformation, MV developed a strategic plan to introduce new cloud vendors and an open-source ecosystem to their systems for lower costs and higher productivity. MV planned to migrate all workloads and data to a new cloud and database and quickly replicate success experience to systems in other Latin American countries through SaaS services.

The service systems of MV were excessively dependent on the mainstream commercial database they had been using. Multiple database versions were running concurrently, which lead to high O&M and deployment costs. Additionally, it took too long to query transactions in the existing systems. This was not only affecting the timeliness of the medical information system, but also making it harder for medical personnel to process patient information.

To address this challenge, MV developed a proactive technological innovation program. They planned to migrate their workloads and data to a new cloud and database.MV wanted to introduce new cloud vendors and an open-source ecosystem to the game in the hopes of reducing operational costs and improving system performance. Ultimately, MV selected Huawei Cloud as a strategic partner and used GaussDB to provide solid support for technological innovation. GaussDB features high performance, availability, scalability, and security. A single node of GaussDB can reach up to 1.5 million tpmC, more than most mainstream databases can handle. GaussDB can also be scaled out to up to 1,000+ nodes, laying a solid foundation for MV to provide SaaS services.

Faster medical record queries
s reduce to

GaussDB substantially sped up medical record queries from 3s to 0.5s. This significant improvement not only increased the timeliness of the medical information system, but also simplified medical personnel's work in processing patient information. The internal work efficiency of the hospital was significantly improved. Patients now spend less time on waiting and enjoy better medical services.

MV's technological innovation was not confined only to higher speeds. Compared with the original database product, which only supported single-instance deployment, the multi-tenancy mode of GaussDB is more cost-effective. It helped MV slash the overall cost by 20%. Furthermore, the Database and Application Migration UGO service of Huawei Cloud helped MV easily migrate data to the new database. During the migration, 96.7% of data was automatically converted, which significantly reduced the cost of the migration.

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