BNC: Going All-in on Cloud with Agile Transformation for a Ubiquitous Digital Banking Service - TAKE A CLOUD LEAP


Going All-in on Cloud
with Agile Transformation
for a Ubiquitous
Digital Banking Service

Akulaku is a leading fintech unicorn in Asia Pacific. Akulaku-backed Bank Neo Commerce (BNC) provides Indonesia's premier digital banking service and is committed to delivering an optimal digital banking experience. They developed the neobank app to let tens of millions of users enjoy more convenient, secure financial services.

BNC had been using a virtualization architecture typical of most traditional banks. Their resources were managed and maintained by the IT department. Business departments needed to apply for required resources from IT personnel, and then the resources were manually provisioned and deployed. With this traditional approach, application iteration took months, which was hindering innovation. In addition, multiple existing environments of BNC were managed and maintained separately. VMs, physical machines, and networks had to be managed and maintained on different GUIs, which was labor-intensive work.

With fast-growing new financial businesses and an ever-expanding platform, BNC needed to leverage cloud computing to quickly provision and elastically scale resources. They needed a cloud platform that could provide ever-evolving advanced services like big data and AI services to promote innovation. They also wanted to establish a more future-oriented, more efficient O&M system.

Customer number increase in just nine months
System capacity

Huawei Cloud Stack provided BNC with a solid cloud infrastructure:

  • Huawei Cloud Stack helped BNC upgrade their traditional IT architecture to a full-cloud architecture, launch financial applications with agility, and deploy applications automatically. Huawei Cloud Stack's self-service capabilities helped BNC accelerate iteration, shorten the time taken to roll out new products from months to days, and enable faster response to market requirement changes. For example, just several days are needed to launch new features for activities, such as a lucky draw for the Lebaran holiday or a gold coin collection game based on product configuration. In addition, BNC tripled their system capacity, and they also increased their customer base by 10-fold in just nine months.

  • The first phase of this project provided over 20 mainstream cloud services including mobile payments and wallet services that were moved over from the original virtualization platform. Huawei Cloud Stack will continue expansion to provide more than 90 cloud services for BNC to spur innovation and elevate customer experience.

  • BNC's virtualization architecture was cloudified. An independent Virtual Data Center (VDC) can be configured for each business department. In VDCs, comprehensive security isolation, rights- and domain-based management, custom resource quotas, and fine-grained operations are supported. R&D teams can request their own cloud resources, and the requests can be approved by their respective departments. The entire resource management process is automated for faster service rollout. Huawei Cloud Stack also provided BNC with a wide range of open northbound APIs. With these APIs, BNC has created an open ecosystem and is working with more partners to serve numerous customers.

  • The Huawei Cloud O&M center remotely assists BNC with O&M. Thanks to the extensive expertise provided by Huawei Cloud O&M experts, proven O&M tools, and 24/7 online support, faults can be located within minutes. This has helped BNC greatly reduce their IT maintenance workload, free technical experts to focus more on service innovation, and transform passive support into proactive operations.

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