with Huawei Cloud
Huawei Cloud Internet Innovation Week
May 29-31, 2023
Jakarta, Indonesia
Joint Innovation Camp
Huawei Cloud Indonesia Joint Innovation Camp is launched during Internet Innovation Week, it offers a platform to explore industry trends, learn management experience, and improve technical understanding. The camp provides you three activities to join in.
CXO excellence program that offers you a great chance to connect with industry leaders, university professors, Huawei executives, and investment institutions. It also provides opportunities of visiting benchmark enterprises. Such visits bring you first-hand understanding on how those enterprises run and manage business, and an immersive experience on corporate culture.
Business Seminars to keep up to date with industry leaders and fast-growing unicorns. Also, you will meet industry pioneers from China and many other Asian countries to dive into innovation.
Digitalization Courses to know better about the trends of cutting-edge technologies and best practices of cloud solution application.
Join us!
Recap Video


May 29
May 30
May 31


May 29

On May 29, Huawei Cloud partnered with the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association(AFPI), for the Huawei Cloud Indonesia FinTech Summit, whose main goal is to promote digital financial inclusion in the world’s largest archipelago. The summit, themed "Unlocking New Growth in FinTech with Huawei Cloud," drew over 80 representatives from Indonesian FinTech companies, partners, regulators and banks. These representatives, along with Huawei executives, discussed in great detail different strategies to advance digital financial inclusion in Indonesia.

Media & Entertainment

May 30

On May 30, Huawei Cloud and Indonesia Digital Association (IDA) jointly held the Media & Entertainment Summit with the theme of Unlock New Growth in Media & Entertainment with Huawei Cloud in Jakarta. Industry leaders, experts, and entrepreneurs from more than 80 media industry organizations, such as MNC and Kompas, had in-depth discussions on topics such as user experience improvement, content production efficiency improvement, and business model innovation, to explore new opportunities created by cloud advancement in the media & entertainment industry.

Jakarta, Indonesia

May 31

On May 31, the Huawei Cloud E-commerce Summit was held in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme of "Unlock New Growth in E-Commerce with Huawei Cloud". The Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) and more than 100 e-commerce, payment, and logistics enterprises attended the event. During the summit, Huawei Cloud and partners had in-depth discussions on topics such as the future development of e-commerce in Indonesia and new opportunities brought by cloud technologies. We jointly released E2E solutions and best practices for e-commerce website construction, user acquisition, order placement during promotions, and logistics & distribution.
Time (GMT+7)
OJK Welcome Speech: Indonesia's Consumer Finance Trends & the New Role of FinTech in Social Development
H.E. Mr Bambang W. Budiawan
Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of Financing
Institutions and Other Financial Services Institutions, OJK
AFPI Welcome Speech: Indonesia's Consumer Finance Evolving from Private Loan Services to Pillar Financial Sectors
Adrian Gunadi
AFPI Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder Investree
Huawei Cloud Welcome Speech: Everything as a Service for Inclusive Finance
James Zhang
CEO, Huawei Cloud Indonesia
Indonesia Digital Finance Innovation Program Launch Ceremony
How Fintech help enterprise and SME business success by leveraging Cloud
Head of IKNB Regulation and Development Department, OJK
Unlocking New Growth in FinTech with Huawei Cloud
James Huang
Global Fintech Solution Sales Director, Huawei Cloud
Boosting Inclusive Finance with Fintech
Satwika Daksawardhana
VP, Division Head Financial Institution & Consumer Banking,
Building Intelligent Risk Control Engine to Help Financial Institutions Implement Real-time Anti-fraud
Peter Sugiapranata
Country Director, PT.Tongdun Technology Indonesia
Panel discussion:
Build a Better Future of Inclusive Finance
1. What are needed to build a healthy and sustainable
FinTech environment?
2. How does FinTech help small- and medium-sized enterprises
3. What challenges will FinTech face and how to solve them
when FinTech brings inclusive finance to everyone in need?
Executive Director, AFPI (Moderator)
Head of IKNB Regulation and Development Department, OJK
Dr Jonathan Henry Chang
CEO, Fintopia Indonesia
Frank Cho
Business Development Director, AI Rudder
Thomas Lahey
EVP Information Technology, Bank Central Asia
Yenty Joman
Director of Government Affairs, Huawei Indonesia
Time (GMT+7)
Huawei Cloud Welcome Speech: Unlock the Potential of the Media & Entertainment Industry for New Growth
Andy Jin Hui
Vice President, Head of Marketing and Industry Development,
Huawei Cloud APAC
New trend and innovation in media landscape
Arifin Asydhad
Chairman, Indonesian Chief Editors Forum
IDA Welcome Speech: Challenges and Opportunities in the Media Sector
Dian Gemiano
Chairman, IDA (CMO, KG Media)
From Media Service to Media Infrastructure: Unleashing Potential for Industries
Jamy Lyu
President, Media Service Product Dept, Huawei Cloud Global
Enjoy Sports Highlights at an Unrivaled Speed Together with Millions of Fans
Rio Anugrah
Redefine News Production and Distribution on the Cloud
Johnsons Kwok
Head of Product Development KG Media, Kompas
XRender - Boost Render on Huawei cloud
Xingying Chen
Director, Huawei Cloud Global Marketing
Promising Business Models in the Media & Entertainment Industry
Gavin Ni
Vice President of Sales, Huawei Cloud APAC
Huawei Cloud Media Infrastructure Enables Media Industry Innovation
James Tan
Vice President of Solution and Sales, Huawei Cloud APAC
Time (GMT+7)
Huawei Cloud Welcome Speech: Everything as a Service
Titan Wang
Director of Business Development, Huawei Cloud Indonesia
idEA Welcome Speech: Indonesia E-Commerce Development Trends
Budi Primawan
Vice Chairman, idEA
Unlocking New Growth in E-Commerce with Huawei Cloud
James Tan
Vice President of Solution and Sales, Huawei Cloud APAC
Innovative Technology to Build a New Model & Experience to Attract Customers
Bryan Tan
Chief Data scientist of CARRO Group, CEO of CARRO Indonesia
Building a Stable and Scalable Omni-channel E-Commerce Platform for Traffic Peak
Muliadi Jeo
Accelerated Logistics Reduces Delivery Time
Reska Donaga
VP of Product, SiCepat Ekspres
Panel discussion
E-commerce Market Trend and Cloud Service Application
Budi Primawan
Vice Chairman, idEA
Muliadi Jeo
Bryan Tan
Chief Data scientist of CARRO Group, CEO of CARRO Indonesia
Reska Donaga
VP of Product, SiCepat Ekspres
James Tan
Vice President of Solution and Sales, Huawei Cloud APAC
Huawei Cloud Indonesia E-Commerce Joint Innovation Camp Launch Ceremony
Guests and Speakers
Building the Cloud Foundation for an Intelligent World