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Getting Started with Cloud Eye

Getting Started with Cloud Eye

Cloud Eye monitors cloud services and resources to keep you informed of any issues in real time.

Cloud Eye monitors cloud services and resources to keep you informed of any issues in real time.

Getting Started with Cloud Eye in 3 Steps

Getting Started with Cloud Eye in 3 Steps

Getting Started in 10 Minutes Getting Started in 10 Minutes


Resource overview, alarm statistics, and other resource monitoring ranks and data are visible.

Cloud Service Metrics

Cloud Eye provides diverse built-in metrics based on the attribute of each service. This helps you see what is going on with your cloud services.

Server Monitoring

Server monitoring consists of basic monitoring, OS monitoring, and process monitoring.

Custom Monitoring

You can use simple API requests to report collected monitoring data of custom metrics to Cloud Eye for processing and display.

Event Monitoring

Cloud Eye monitors key events of certain cloud services. When an event matches a rule, Cloud Eye generates alarms, allowing you to respond quickly to operational changes and take corrective actions.

Resource Groups

You can add correlated resources to a resource group, obtain the collective health status of all the resources, and quickly resolve resource issues. This helps you manage resources more easily and improve O&M efficiency.

Best Practices

Best Practices

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