状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1000 |
System busy. Try again later. |
系统繁忙,请稍后再试 |
请稍后再试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1001 |
Invalid parameter. |
非法参数 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1004 |
Invalid domain ID. |
domain id无效 |
请参考 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1005 |
Failed to create the codeArts project. |
创建CodeArts项目失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1006 |
The parameter contains invalid special characters. |
参数含有非法特殊字符 |
请检查字段填写是否和接口定义一致 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1007 |
Invalid region. |
region无效 |
请输入正确的 Region ID |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1008 |
Failed to obtain the project list. |
获取项目列表失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1009 |
Failed to obtain the region list. |
获取区域列表失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1012 |
Failed to obtain code repository information. |
获取代码仓库信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1017 |
You do not have the permissions required to access the region. |
该region没有权限 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1020 |
The domain name of the region is not found. |
没有找到region的 域名 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1021 |
Invalid keyword. |
非法关键词 |
请检查字段填写是否和接口定义一致 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1022 |
The application information does not exist. |
应用信息不存在 |
请确认应用信息是否正确 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1025 |
The project name already exists. |
项目名已存在 |
请检查项目名 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1026 |
Failed to delete the template. |
删除模板失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1027 |
Failed to like the template. |
模板点赞失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1028 |
Only released templates can be liked. |
只有已上架的模板才可以点赞 |
请先上架模板之后点赞 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1033 |
Failed to automatically generate the README file. |
自动生成README文件失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1036 |
Failed to obtain the README image. |
获取README图片失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1037 |
The template does not exist. |
该模板不存在 |
请确认模板信息是否正确 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1040 |
You do not have the operation permissions on the project. |
用户无项目操作权限 |
请确认项目成员角色权限 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1045 |
This repository name already exists in the project. |
用户已经在项目中创建了同名仓库 |
请检查仓库名字 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1046 |
Failed to create the code repository. |
创建代码仓库失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1048 |
The pipeline does not exist. |
流水线不存在 |
请检查流水线资源 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1052 |
The template cannot be deleted because it has been released. |
模板状态为已上架,不允许删除 |
请您下架模板后重试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1053 |
Failed to obtain the pipeline template details. |
获取流水线模板详情失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1054 |
Failed to access the CloudPipeline service. |
访问流水线服务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1055 |
Failed to update the template information. |
更新模板信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1057 |
Only .zip files are supported. |
只支持zip格式文件 |
请您使用zip格式文件 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1058 |
The template is not released. Resources cannot be created. |
模板不是已上架状态,禁止创建资源 |
请上架模板后重试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1061 |
The decompressed file is too large. |
解压之后的文件过大 |
仅支持解压后200M的模板 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1062 |
Decompression failed. Check whether the compressed file is damaged. |
解压失败,请检查压缩文件是否有损坏 |
解压失败,请检查压缩文件是否有损坏 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1063 |
The compressed package is too large. |
压缩包大小超过限制 |
压缩包大小超过限制,仅支持100M |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1064 |
Failed to query the task status. |
查询任务状态失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1083 |
An error occurred when accessing API Gateway. |
访问api网关接口异常 |
请登录ApiErrorCenter,搜寻相关报错信息,查询原因 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1084 |
Error occurred while accessing function graph. |
访问 函数工作流 接口异常 |
请登录ApiErrorCenter,搜寻相关报错信息,查询原因 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1085 |
Failed to deliver the function creation task. |
下发创建函数任务失败 |
请确认输入参数是否真实正确(如api网关分组名称是否正确)请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1088 |
The number of created functions exceeds the upper limit. |
创建函数数量超过上限 |
请删除一些部署过的函数重试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1090 |
Pipeline creation timed out. |
创建流水线超时 |
请稍后再试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1091 |
Code repository creation timed out. |
创建代码仓超时 |
请稍后再试 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1092 |
Failed to create the pipeline. |
创建流水线失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1093 |
Failed to execute the task. |
执行任务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.1094 |
Failed to create the task. |
创建任务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
DEVSTAR.2002 |
Unknown error. |
未知异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
HDN.1000 |
Unknown error code. |
未知错误码 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
HDN.1001 |
Too frequent access to APIs. Try again later. |
访问接口过于频繁,请稍后再试 |
请稍后再试 |