数据仓库服务 GaussDB(DWS)-创建GDS外表并导入TPC-DS数据:操作步骤

时间:2025-02-12 14:55:03


  1. 使用gsql连接DWS成功后,执行以下SQL创建目标表(共24张表)。

      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671
    CREATE TABLE customer_address(    ca_address_sk             bigint               not null ,    ca_address_id             char(16)              not null,    ca_street_number          char(10)                      ,    ca_street_name            varchar(60)                   ,    ca_street_type            char(15)                      ,    ca_suite_number           char(10)                      ,    ca_city                   varchar(60)                   ,    ca_county                 varchar(30)                   ,    ca_state                  char(2)                       ,    ca_zip                    char(10)                      ,    ca_country                varchar(20)                   ,    ca_gmt_offset             decimal(5,2)                  ,    ca_location_type          char(20))  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (ca_address_sk);CREATE TABLE customer_demographics(    cd_demo_sk                bigint               not null ,    cd_gender                 char(1)                       ,    cd_marital_status         char(1)                       ,    cd_education_status       char(20)                      ,    cd_purchase_estimate      bigint                        ,    cd_credit_rating          char(10)                      ,    cd_dep_count              bigint                        ,     cd_dep_employed_count     bigint                        ,    cd_dep_college_count      bigint)  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (cd_demo_sk);CREATE TABLE date_dim(    d_date_sk                 bigint               not null,    d_date_id                 char(16)             not null,    d_date                    date                         ,    d_month_seq               bigint                       ,    d_week_seq                bigint                       ,    d_quarter_seq             bigint                       ,    d_year                    bigint                       ,    d_dow                     bigint                       ,    d_moy                     bigint                       ,    d_dom                     bigint                       ,    d_qoy                     bigint                       ,    d_fy_year                 bigint                       ,    d_fy_quarter_seq          bigint                       ,    d_fy_week_seq             bigint                       ,    d_day_name                char(9)                      ,    d_quarter_name            char(6)                      ,    d_holiday                 char(1)                      ,    d_weekend                 char(1)                      ,    d_following_holiday       char(1)                      ,    d_first_dom               bigint                       ,    d_last_dom                bigint                       ,    d_same_day_ly             bigint                       ,    d_same_day_lq             bigint                       ,    d_current_day             char(1)                      ,    d_current_week            char(1)                      ,    d_current_month           char(1)                      ,    d_current_quarter         char(1)                      ,    d_current_year            char(1)                       ) with (orientation = column) DISTRIBUTE by hash(d_date_sk) PARTITION BY Range(d_year) (        partition p1 values less than(1950),        partition p2 values less than(2000),        partition p3 values less than(2050),        partition p4 values less than(2100),        partition p5 values less than(3000),        partition p6 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE warehouse(    w_warehouse_sk            bigint                not null,    w_warehouse_id            char(16)              not null,    w_warehouse_name          varchar(20)                   ,    w_warehouse_sq_ft         bigint                        ,    w_street_number           char(10)                      ,    w_street_name             varchar(60)                   ,    w_street_type             char(15)                      ,    w_suite_number            char(10)                      ,    w_city                    varchar(60)                   ,    w_county                  varchar(30)                   ,    w_state                   char(2)                       ,    w_zip                     char(10)                      ,    w_country                 varchar(20)                   ,    w_gmt_offset              decimal(5,2))  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE ship_mode(    sm_ship_mode_sk           bigint                not null,    sm_ship_mode_id           char(16)              not null,    sm_type                   char(30)                      ,    sm_code                   char(10)                      ,    sm_carrier                char(20)                      ,    sm_contract               char(20)                      )  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE time_dim(    t_time_sk                 bigint                not null,    t_time_id                 char(16)              not null,    t_time                    bigint                        ,    t_hour                    bigint                        ,    t_minute                  bigint                        ,    t_second                  bigint                        ,    t_am_pm                   char(2)                       ,    t_shift                   char(20)                      ,    t_sub_shift               char(20)                      ,    t_meal_time               char(20)                     )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (t_time_sk);CREATE TABLE reason(    r_reason_sk               bigint               not null,    r_reason_id               char(16)             not null,    r_reason_desc             char(100))  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE income_band(    ib_income_band_sk         bigint               not null,    ib_lower_bound            bigint                       ,    ib_upper_bound            bigint                       )  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE item(    i_item_sk                 bigint                not null,    i_item_id                 char(16)              not null,    i_rec_start_date          date                          ,    i_rec_end_date            date                          ,    i_item_desc               varchar(200)                  ,    i_current_price           decimal(7,2)                  ,    i_wholesale_cost          decimal(7,2)                  ,    i_brand_id                bigint                        ,    i_brand                   char(50)                      ,    i_class_id                bigint                        ,    i_class                   char(50)                      ,    i_category_id             bigint                        ,     i_category                char(50)                      ,    i_manufact_id             bigint                        ,    i_manufact                char(50)                      ,    i_size                    char(20)                      ,    i_formulation             char(20)                      ,    i_color                   char(20)                      ,    i_units                   char(10)                      ,    i_container               char(10)                      ,    i_manager_id              bigint                        ,    i_product_name            char(50)                      )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (i_item_sk);CREATE TABLE store(    s_store_sk                bigint                not null,    s_store_id                char(16)              not null,    s_rec_start_date          date                          ,    s_rec_end_date            date                          ,    s_closed_date_sk          bigint                        ,    s_store_name              varchar(50)                   ,    s_number_employees        bigint                        ,    s_floor_space             bigint                        ,    s_hours                   char(20)                      ,    s_manager                 varchar(40)                   ,    s_market_id               bigint                        ,    s_geography_class         varchar(100)                  ,    s_market_desc             varchar(100)                  ,    s_market_manager          varchar(40)                   ,    s_division_id             bigint                        ,    s_division_name           varchar(50)                   ,    s_company_id              bigint                        ,    s_company_name            varchar(50)                   ,    s_street_number           varchar(10)                   ,    s_street_name             varchar(60)                   ,    s_street_type             char(15)                      ,    s_suite_number            char(10)                      ,    s_city                    varchar(60)                   ,    s_county                  varchar(30)                   ,    s_state                   char(2)                       ,    s_zip                     char(10)                      ,    s_country                 varchar(20)                   ,    s_gmt_offset              decimal(5,2)                  ,    s_tax_precentage          decimal(5,2))  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE call_center(    cc_call_center_sk         bigint                not null,    cc_call_center_id         char(16)              not null,    cc_rec_start_date         date                          ,    cc_rec_end_date           date                          ,    cc_closed_date_sk         bigint                        ,    cc_open_date_sk           bigint                        ,    cc_name                   varchar(50)                   ,    cc_class                  varchar(50)                   ,    cc_employees              bigint                        ,    cc_sq_ft                  bigint                        ,    cc_hours                  char(20)                      ,    cc_manager                varchar(40)                   ,    cc_mkt_id                 bigint                        ,    cc_mkt_class              char(50)                      ,    cc_mkt_desc               varchar(100)                  ,    cc_market_manager         varchar(40)                   ,    cc_division               bigint                        ,    cc_division_name          varchar(50)                   ,    cc_company                bigint                        ,    cc_company_name           char(50)                      ,    cc_street_number          char(10)                      ,    cc_street_name            varchar(60)                   ,    cc_street_type            char(15)                      ,    cc_suite_number           char(10)                      ,    cc_city                   varchar(60)                   ,    cc_county                 varchar(30)                   ,    cc_state                  char(2)                       ,    cc_zip                    char(10)                      ,    cc_country                varchar(20)                   ,    cc_gmt_offset             decimal(5,2)                  ,    cc_tax_percentage         decimal(5,2)                  )  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;drop table if exists customer;CREATE TABLE customer(    c_customer_sk             bigint               not null,    c_customer_id             char(16)             not null,    c_current_cdemo_sk        bigint                       ,    c_current_hdemo_sk        bigint                       ,    c_current_addr_sk         bigint                       ,    c_first_shipto_date_sk    bigint                       ,    c_first_sales_date_sk     bigint                       ,    c_salutation              char(10)                     ,    c_first_name              char(20)                     ,    c_last_name               char(30)                     ,    c_preferred_cust_flag     char(1)                      ,    c_birth_day               bigint                       ,    c_birth_month             bigint                       ,    c_birth_year              bigint                       ,    c_birth_country           varchar(20)                  ,    c_login                   char(13)                     ,    c_email_address           char(50)                     ,    c_last_review_date_sk        char(10))  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (c_customer_sk);CREATE TABLE web_site(    web_site_sk               bigint                not null,    web_site_id               char(16)              not null,    web_rec_start_date        date                          ,    web_rec_end_date          date                          ,    web_name                  varchar(50)                   ,    web_open_date_sk          bigint                        ,    web_close_date_sk         bigint                        ,    web_class                 varchar(50)                   ,    web_manager               varchar(40)                   ,    web_mkt_id                bigint                        ,    web_mkt_class             varchar(50)                   ,    web_mkt_desc              varchar(100)                  ,    web_market_manager        varchar(40)                   ,    web_company_id            bigint                        ,    web_company_name          char(50)                      ,    web_street_number         char(10)                      ,    web_street_name           varchar(60)                   ,    web_street_type           char(15)                      ,    web_suite_number          char(10)                      ,    web_city                  varchar(60)                   ,    web_county                varchar(30)                   ,    web_state                 char(2)                       ,    web_zip                   char(10)                      ,    web_country               varchar(20)                   ,    web_gmt_offset            decimal(5,2)                  ,    web_tax_percentage        decimal(5,2))  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE household_demographics(    hd_demo_sk                bigint               not null,    hd_income_band_sk         bigint                       ,    hd_buy_potential          char(15)                     ,    hd_dep_count              bigint                       ,    hd_vehicle_count          bigint)  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (hd_demo_sk);CREATE TABLE web_page(    wp_web_page_sk            bigint                not null,    wp_web_page_id            char(16)              not null,    wp_rec_start_date         date                          ,    wp_rec_end_date           date                          ,    wp_creation_date_sk       bigint                        ,    wp_access_date_sk         bigint                        ,    wp_autogen_flag           char(1)                       ,    wp_customer_sk            bigint                        ,    wp_url                    varchar(100)                  ,    wp_type                   char(50)                      ,    wp_char_count             bigint                        ,    wp_link_count             bigint                        ,    wp_image_count            bigint                        ,    wp_max_ad_count           bigint                       )  with (orientation = column)distribute by replication;CREATE TABLE promotion(    p_promo_sk                bigint                not null,    p_promo_id                char(16)              not null,    p_start_date_sk           bigint                        ,    p_end_date_sk             bigint                        ,    p_item_sk                 bigint                        ,    p_cost                    decimal(15,2)                 ,    p_response_target         bigint                        ,    p_promo_name              char(50)                      ,    p_channel_dmail           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_email           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_catalog         char(1)                       ,    p_channel_tv              char(1)                       ,    p_channel_radio           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_press           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_event           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_demo            char(1)                       ,    p_channel_details         varchar(100)                  ,    p_purpose                 char(15)                      ,    p_discount_active         char(1)                       )  with (orientation = column)DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(p_promo_sk);CREATE TABLE catalog_page(    cp_catalog_page_sk        bigint               not null,    cp_catalog_page_id        char(16)             not null,    cp_start_date_sk          bigint                       ,    cp_end_date_sk            bigint                       ,    cp_department             varchar(50)                  ,    cp_catalog_number         bigint                       ,    cp_catalog_page_number    bigint                       ,    cp_description            varchar(100)                 ,    cp_type                   varchar(100)                 )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (cp_catalog_page_sk);CREATE TABLE inventory(    inv_date_sk               bigint               not null,    inv_item_sk               bigint               not null,    inv_warehouse_sk          bigint               not null,    inv_quantity_on_hand      integer                       )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (inv_item_sk)partition by range(inv_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2451180),partition p2 values less than(2451545),partition p3 values less than(2451911),partition p4 values less than(2452276),partition p5 values less than(2452641),partition p6 values less than(2453006),partition p7 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE catalog_returns(    cr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_returned_time_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_item_sk                bigint               not null,    cr_refunded_customer_sk   bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_cdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_hdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_addr_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_returning_customer_sk  bigint                       ,    cr_returning_cdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    cr_returning_hdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    cr_returning_addr_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_call_center_sk         bigint                       ,    cr_catalog_page_sk        bigint                       ,    cr_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    cr_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    cr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    cr_order_number           bigint               not null,    cr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    cr_return_amount          decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_store_credit           decimal(7,2)                 ,    cr_net_loss               decimal(7,2)                 ) with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (cr_item_sk)partition by range(cr_returned_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2450815),partition p2 values less than(2451180),partition p3 values less than(2451545),partition p4 values less than(2451911),partition p5 values less than(2452276),partition p6 values less than(2452641),partition p7 values less than(2453006),partition p8 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE web_returns(    wr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_returned_time_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_item_sk                bigint               not null,    wr_refunded_customer_sk   bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_cdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_hdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_addr_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_returning_customer_sk  bigint                       ,    wr_returning_cdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    wr_returning_hdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    wr_returning_addr_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_web_page_sk            bigint                       ,    wr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    wr_order_number           bigint               not null,    wr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    wr_return_amt             decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_account_credit         decimal(7,2)                 ,    wr_net_loss               decimal(7,2)                 )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (wr_item_sk)partition by range(wr_returned_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2450815),partition p2 values less than(2451180),partition p3 values less than(2451545),partition p4 values less than(2451911),partition p5 values less than(2452276),partition p6 values less than(2452641),partition p7 values less than(2453006),partition p8 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE store_returns(    sr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    sr_return_time_sk         bigint                       ,    sr_item_sk                bigint               not null,    sr_customer_sk            bigint                       ,    sr_cdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_hdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_addr_sk                bigint                       ,    sr_store_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    sr_ticket_number          bigint               not null,    sr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    sr_return_amt             decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_store_credit           decimal(7,2)                 ,    sr_net_loss               decimal(7,2)                  )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (sr_item_sk)partition by range(sr_returned_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than (2451180) ,partition p2 values less than (2451545) ,partition p3 values less than (2451911) ,partition p4 values less than (2452276) ,partition p5 values less than (2452641) ,partition p6 values less than (2453006) ,partition p7 values less than (maxvalue));CREATE TABLE web_sales(    ws_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_ship_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_item_sk                bigint               not null,    ws_bill_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    ws_bill_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_bill_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_bill_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_ship_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    ws_ship_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_ship_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_ship_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_web_page_sk            bigint                       ,    ws_web_site_sk            bigint                       ,    ws_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    ws_order_number           bigint               not null,    ws_quantity               bigint                       ,    ws_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_list_price             decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_ext_ship_cost          decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_net_paid_inc_ship      decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax  decimal(7,2)                 ,    ws_net_profit             decimal(7,2)                  )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (ws_item_sk)partition by range(ws_sold_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2451180),partition p2 values less than(2451545),partition p3 values less than(2451911),partition p4 values less than(2452276),partition p5 values less than(2452641),partition p6 values less than(2453006),partition p7 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE catalog_sales(    cs_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_ship_date_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_bill_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    cs_bill_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_bill_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_bill_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_ship_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    cs_ship_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_ship_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_ship_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_call_center_sk         bigint                       ,    cs_catalog_page_sk        bigint                       ,    cs_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_item_sk                bigint               not null,    cs_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    cs_order_number           bigint               not null,    cs_quantity               bigint                       ,    cs_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_list_price             decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_ship_cost          decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_ship      decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_ship_tax  decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_profit             decimal(7,2)                  )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (cs_item_sk)partition by range(cs_sold_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2451180),partition p2 values less than(2451545),partition p3 values less than(2451911),partition p4 values less than(2452276),partition p5 values less than(2452641),partition p6 values less than(2453006),partition p7 values less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE store_sales(    ss_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ss_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    ss_item_sk                bigint               not null,    ss_customer_sk            bigint                       ,    ss_cdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_hdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_addr_sk                bigint                       ,    ss_store_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_ticket_number          bigint               not null,    ss_quantity               bigint                       ,    ss_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_list_price             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_profit             decimal(7,2)                  )  with (orientation = column)distribute by hash (ss_item_sk)partition by range(ss_sold_date_sk)(partition p1 values less than(2451180),partition p2 values less than(2451545),partition p3 values less than(2451911),partition p4 values less than(2452276),partition p5 values less than(2452641),partition p6 values less than(2453006),partition p7 values less than(maxvalue));

  2. 执行以下SQL语句创建GDS外表(共24张表)。

    以下每个外表的“gsfs:// | gsfs://”中的IP地址和端口,请替换成安装和启动GDS中的对应的GDS的监听IP和端口。如启动两个GDS,则使用“|”区分。如果启动多个GDS,需要将所有GDS的监听IP和端口配置到外表中。

      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782
    DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS customer_address_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE customer_address_ext(    ca_address_sk             bigint                        ,    ca_address_id             char(16)                      ,    ca_street_number          char(10)                      ,    ca_street_name            varchar(60)                   ,    ca_street_type            char(15)                      ,    ca_suite_number           char(10)                      ,    ca_city                   varchar(60)                   ,    ca_county                 varchar(30)                   ,    ca_state                  char(2)                       ,    ca_zip                    char(10)                      ,    ca_country                varchar(20)                   ,    ca_gmt_offset             decimal(5,2)                  ,    ca_location_type          char(20))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  customer_address_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS customer_demographics_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE customer_demographics_ext(    cd_demo_sk                bigint                        ,    cd_gender                 char(1)                       ,    cd_marital_status         char(1)                       ,    cd_education_status       char(20)                      ,    cd_purchase_estimate      bigint                        ,    cd_credit_rating          char(10)                      ,    cd_dep_count              bigint                        ,    cd_dep_employed_count     bigint                        ,    cd_dep_college_count      bigint                       )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  customer_demographics_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS date_dim_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE date_dim_ext(    d_date_sk                 bigint                       ,    d_date_id                 char(16)                     ,    d_date                    date                         ,    d_month_seq               bigint                       ,    d_week_seq                bigint                       ,    d_quarter_seq             bigint                       ,    d_year                    bigint                       ,    d_dow                     bigint                       ,    d_moy                     bigint                       ,    d_dom                     bigint                       ,    d_qoy                     bigint                       ,    d_fy_year                 bigint                       ,    d_fy_quarter_seq          bigint                       ,    d_fy_week_seq             bigint                       ,    d_day_name                char(9)                      ,    d_quarter_name            char(6)                      ,    d_holiday                 char(1)                      ,    d_weekend                 char(1)                      ,    d_following_holiday       char(1)                      ,    d_first_dom               bigint                       ,    d_last_dom                bigint                       ,    d_same_day_ly             bigint                       ,    d_same_day_lq             bigint                       ,    d_current_day             char(1)                      ,    d_current_week            char(1)                      ,    d_current_month           char(1)                      ,    d_current_quarter         char(1)                      ,    d_current_year            char(1)                       )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  date_dim_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS warehouse_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE warehouse_ext(    w_warehouse_sk            bigint                        ,    w_warehouse_id            char(16)                      ,    w_warehouse_name          varchar(20)                   ,    w_warehouse_sq_ft         bigint                        ,    w_street_number           char(10)                      ,    w_street_name             varchar(60)                   ,    w_street_type             char(15)                      ,    w_suite_number            char(10)                      ,    w_city                    varchar(60)                   ,    w_county                  varchar(30)                   ,    w_state                   char(2)                       ,    w_zip                     char(10)                      ,    w_country                 varchar(20)                   ,    w_gmt_offset              decimal(5,2)                  )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  warehouse_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS ship_mode_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ship_mode_ext(sm_ship_mode_sk           bigint                        ,sm_ship_mode_id           char(16)                      ,sm_type                   char(30)                      ,sm_code                   char(10)                      ,sm_carrier                char(20)                      ,sm_contract               char(20))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  ship_mode_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS time_dim_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE time_dim_ext(t_time_sk                 bigint                       ,t_time_id                 char(16)                     ,t_time                    bigint                       ,t_hour                    bigint                       ,t_minute                  bigint                       ,t_second                  bigint                       ,t_am_pm                   char(2)                      ,t_shift                   char(20)                     ,t_sub_shift               char(20)                     ,t_meal_time               char(20))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  time_dim_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS reason_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE reason_ext(r_reason_sk               bigint                ,r_reason_id               char(16)              ,r_reason_desc             char(100))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with reason_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS income_band_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE income_band_ext(ib_income_band_sk         bigint               ,ib_lower_bound            bigint               ,ib_upper_bound            bigint)SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  income_band_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS item_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE item_ext(    i_item_sk                 bigint                        ,    i_item_id                 char(16)                      ,    i_rec_start_date          date                          ,    i_rec_end_date            date                          ,    i_item_desc               varchar(200)                  ,    i_current_price           decimal(7,2)                  ,    i_wholesale_cost          decimal(7,2)                  ,    i_brand_id                bigint                        ,    i_brand                   char(50)                      ,    i_class_id                bigint                        ,    i_class                   char(50)                      ,    i_category_id             bigint                        ,    i_category                char(50)                      ,    i_manufact_id             bigint                        ,     i_manufact                char(50)                      ,    i_size                    char(20)                      ,    i_formulation             char(20)                      ,    i_color                   char(20)                      ,    i_units                   char(10)                      ,    i_container               char(10)                      ,    i_manager_id              bigint                        ,    i_product_name            char(50)                     )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  item_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS store_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE store_ext(    s_store_sk                bigint               ,    s_store_id                char(16)              ,    s_rec_start_date          date                          ,    s_rec_end_date            date                          ,    s_closed_date_sk          bigint                       ,    s_store_name              varchar(50)                   ,    s_number_employees        bigint                       ,    s_floor_space             bigint                       ,    s_hours                   char(20)                      ,    s_manager                 varchar(40)                   ,    s_market_id               bigint                       ,    s_geography_class         varchar(100)                  ,    s_market_desc             varchar(100)                  ,    s_market_manager          varchar(40)                   ,    s_division_id             bigint                       ,    s_division_name           varchar(50)                   ,    s_company_id              bigint                       ,    s_company_name            varchar(50)                   ,    s_street_number           varchar(10)                   ,    s_street_name             varchar(60)                   ,    s_street_type             char(15)                      ,    s_suite_number            char(10)                      ,    s_city                    varchar(60)                   ,    s_county                  varchar(30)                   ,    s_state                   char(2)                       ,    s_zip                     char(10)                      ,    s_country                 varchar(20)                   ,    s_gmt_offset              decimal(5,2)                  ,    s_tax_precentage          decimal(5,2))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://[^rs]* | gsfs://[^rs]*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with store_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS call_center_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE call_center_ext(    cc_call_center_sk         bigint               ,    cc_call_center_id         char(16)              ,    cc_rec_start_date         date                          ,    cc_rec_end_date           date                          ,    cc_closed_date_sk         bigint                       ,    cc_open_date_sk           bigint                       ,    cc_name                   varchar(50)                   ,    cc_class                  varchar(50)                   ,    cc_employees              bigint                       ,    cc_sq_ft                  bigint                       ,    cc_hours                  char(20)                      ,    cc_manager                varchar(40)                   ,    cc_mkt_id                 bigint                       ,    cc_mkt_class              char(50)                      ,    cc_mkt_desc               varchar(100)                  ,    cc_market_manager         varchar(40)                   ,    cc_division               bigint                       ,    cc_division_name          varchar(50)                   ,    cc_company                bigint                       ,    cc_company_name           char(50)                      ,    cc_street_number          char(10)                      ,    cc_street_name            varchar(60)                   ,    cc_street_type            char(15)                      ,    cc_suite_number           char(10)                      ,    cc_city                   varchar(60)                   ,    cc_county                 varchar(30)                   ,    cc_state                  char(2)                       ,    cc_zip                    char(10)                      ,    cc_country                varchar(20)                   ,    cc_gmt_offset             decimal(5,2)                  ,    cc_tax_percentage         decimal(5,2) )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with call_center_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS customer_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE customer_ext(    c_customer_sk             bigint               ,    c_customer_id             char(16)              ,    c_current_cdemo_sk        bigint                       ,    c_current_hdemo_sk        bigint                       ,    c_current_addr_sk         bigint                       ,    c_first_shipto_date_sk    bigint                       ,    c_first_sales_date_sk     bigint                       ,    c_salutation              char(10)                      ,    c_first_name              char(20)                      ,    c_last_name               char(30)                      ,    c_preferred_cust_flag     char(1)                       ,    c_birth_day               bigint                       ,    c_birth_month             bigint                       ,    c_birth_year              bigint                       ,    c_birth_country           varchar(20)                   ,    c_login                   char(13)                      ,    c_email_address           char(50)                      ,    c_last_review_date_sk        char(10))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://[^ad]* | gsfs://[^ad]*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'GBK',mode 'Normal')with  customer_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS web_site_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE web_site_ext(    web_site_sk               bigint               ,    web_site_id               char(16)              ,    web_rec_start_date        date                          ,    web_rec_end_date          date                          ,    web_name                  varchar(50)                   ,    web_open_date_sk          bigint                       ,    web_close_date_sk         bigint                       ,    web_class                 varchar(50)                   ,    web_manager               varchar(40)                   ,    web_mkt_id                bigint                       ,    web_mkt_class             varchar(50)                   ,    web_mkt_desc              varchar(100)                  ,    web_market_manager        varchar(40)                   ,    web_company_id            bigint                       ,    web_company_name          char(50)                      ,    web_street_number         char(10)                      ,    web_street_name           varchar(60)                   ,    web_street_type           char(15)                      ,    web_suite_number          char(10)                      ,    web_city                  varchar(60)                   ,    web_county                varchar(30)                   ,    web_state                 char(2)                       ,    web_zip                   char(10)                      ,    web_country               varchar(20)                   ,    web_gmt_offset            decimal(5,2)                  ,    web_tax_percentage        decimal(5,2))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  web_site_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS store_returns_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE store_returns_ext(    sr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    sr_return_time_sk         bigint                       ,    sr_item_sk                bigint               ,    sr_customer_sk            bigint                       ,    sr_cdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_hdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_addr_sk                bigint                       ,    sr_store_sk               bigint                       ,    sr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    sr_ticket_number          bigint               ,    sr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    sr_return_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_store_credit           decimal(7,2)                  ,    sr_net_loss               decimal(7,2))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with store_returns_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS household_demographics_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE household_demographics_ext(    hd_demo_sk                bigint               ,    hd_income_band_sk         bigint                       ,    hd_buy_potential          char(15)                      ,    hd_dep_count              bigint                       ,    hd_vehicle_count          bigint)SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  household_demographics_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS web_page_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE web_page_ext(    wp_web_page_sk            bigint               ,    wp_web_page_id            char(16)              ,    wp_rec_start_date         date                          ,    wp_rec_end_date           date                          ,    wp_creation_date_sk       bigint                       ,    wp_access_date_sk         bigint                       ,    wp_autogen_flag           char(1)                       ,    wp_customer_sk            bigint                       ,    wp_url                    varchar(100)                  ,    wp_type                   char(50)                      ,    wp_char_count             bigint                       ,    wp_link_count             bigint                       ,    wp_image_count            bigint                       ,    wp_max_ad_count           bigint)SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with web_page_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS promotion_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE promotion_ext(    p_promo_sk                bigint               ,    p_promo_id                char(16)              ,    p_start_date_sk           bigint                       ,    p_end_date_sk             bigint                       ,    p_item_sk                 bigint                       ,    p_cost                    decimal(15,2)                 ,    p_response_target         bigint                       ,    p_promo_name              char(50)                      ,    p_channel_dmail           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_email           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_catalog         char(1)                       ,    p_channel_tv              char(1)                       ,    p_channel_radio           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_press           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_event           char(1)                       ,    p_channel_demo            char(1)                       ,    p_channel_details         varchar(100)                  ,    p_purpose                 char(15)                      ,    p_discount_active         char(1))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with promotion_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_page_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE catalog_page_ext(    cp_catalog_page_sk        bigint               ,    cp_catalog_page_id        char(16)              ,    cp_start_date_sk          bigint                       ,    cp_end_date_sk            bigint                       ,    cp_department             varchar(50)                   ,    cp_catalog_number         bigint                       ,    cp_catalog_page_number    bigint                       ,    cp_description            varchar(100)                  ,    cp_type                   varchar(100))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  catalog_page_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS inventory_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE inventory_ext(    inv_date_sk               bigint               ,    inv_item_sk               bigint               ,    inv_warehouse_sk          bigint               ,    inv_quantity_on_hand      integer)SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with inventory_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_returns_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE catalog_returns_ext(    cr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_returned_time_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_item_sk                bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_customer_sk   bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_cdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_hdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_refunded_addr_sk       bigint                       ,    cr_returning_customer_sk  bigint                       ,    cr_returning_cdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    cr_returning_hdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    cr_returning_addr_sk      bigint                       ,    cr_call_center_sk         bigint                       ,    cr_catalog_page_sk        bigint                       ,    cr_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    cr_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    cr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    cr_order_number           bigint                       ,    cr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    cr_return_amount          decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_store_credit           decimal(7,2)                  ,    cr_net_loss               decimal(7,2))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with catalog_returns_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS web_returns_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE web_returns_ext(    wr_returned_date_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_returned_time_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_item_sk                bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_customer_sk   bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_cdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_hdemo_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_refunded_addr_sk       bigint                       ,    wr_returning_customer_sk  bigint                       ,    wr_returning_cdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    wr_returning_hdemo_sk     bigint                       ,    wr_returning_addr_sk      bigint                       ,    wr_web_page_sk            bigint                       ,    wr_reason_sk              bigint                       ,    wr_order_number           bigint                       ,    wr_return_quantity        bigint                       ,    wr_return_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_return_tax             decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_return_amt_inc_tax     decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_fee                    decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_return_ship_cost       decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_refunded_cash          decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_reversed_charge        decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_account_credit         decimal(7,2)                  ,    wr_net_loss               decimal(7,2) )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with web_returns_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS web_sales_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE web_sales_ext(    ws_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_ship_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_item_sk                bigint                       ,    ws_bill_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    ws_bill_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_bill_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_bill_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_ship_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    ws_ship_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_ship_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    ws_ship_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_web_page_sk            bigint                       ,    ws_web_site_sk            bigint                       ,    ws_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    ws_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    ws_order_number           bigint                       ,    ws_quantity               bigint                       ,    ws_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_list_price             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_ext_ship_cost          decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_net_paid_inc_ship      decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax  decimal(7,2)                  ,    ws_net_profit             decimal(7,2) )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with web_sales_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_sales_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE catalog_sales_ext(    cs_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_ship_date_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_bill_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    cs_bill_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_bill_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_bill_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_ship_customer_sk       bigint                       ,    cs_ship_cdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_ship_hdemo_sk          bigint                       ,    cs_ship_addr_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_call_center_sk         bigint                       ,    cs_catalog_page_sk        bigint                       ,    cs_ship_mode_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_warehouse_sk           bigint                       ,    cs_item_sk                bigint                       ,     cs_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    cs_order_number           bigint                       ,    cs_quantity               bigint                       ,    cs_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_list_price             decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_ext_ship_cost          decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_ship      decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_paid_inc_ship_tax  decimal(7,2)                  ,    cs_net_profit             decimal(7,2) )SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with  catalog_sales_err;DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS store_sales_ext;CREATE FOREIGN TABLE store_sales_ext(    ss_sold_date_sk           bigint                       ,    ss_sold_time_sk           bigint                       ,    ss_item_sk                bigint                       ,    ss_customer_sk            bigint                       ,    ss_cdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_hdemo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_addr_sk                bigint                       ,    ss_store_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_promo_sk               bigint                       ,    ss_ticket_number          bigint                        ,    ss_quantity               bigint                       ,    ss_wholesale_cost         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_list_price             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_sales_price            decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_discount_amt       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_sales_price        decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_wholesale_cost     decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_list_price         decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_ext_tax                decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_coupon_amt             decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_paid               decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_paid_inc_tax       decimal(7,2)                  ,    ss_net_profit             decimal(7,2))SERVER gsmpp_serverOPTIONS(location 'gsfs://* | gsfs://*',FORMAT 'TEXT' ,DELIMITER '|',encoding 'utf8',FILL_MISSING_FIELDS 'true',IGNORE_EXTRA_DATA 'true',mode 'Normal')with store_sales_err;

  3. 执行以下SQL语句导入数据。

     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324
    INSERT INTO customer_address SELECT * FROM customer_address_ext;INSERT INTO customer_demographics SELECT * FROM customer_demographics_ext;INSERT INTO date_dim SELECT * FROM date_dim_ext;INSERT INTO warehouse SELECT * FROM warehouse_ext;INSERT INTO ship_mode SELECT * FROM ship_mode_ext;INSERT INTO time_dim SELECT * FROM time_dim_ext;INSERT INTO reason SELECT * FROM reason_ext;INSERT INTO income_band SELECT * FROM income_band_ext;INSERT INTO item SELECT * FROM item_ext;INSERT INTO store SELECT * FROM store_ext;INSERT INTO call_center SELECT * FROM call_center_ext;INSERT INTO customer SELECT * FROM customer_ext;INSERT INTO web_site SELECT * FROM web_site_ext;INSERT INTO household_demographics SELECT * FROM household_demographics_ext;INSERT INTO web_page SELECT * FROM web_page_ext;INSERT INTO promotion SELECT * FROM promotion_ext;INSERT INTO catalog_page SELECT * FROM catalog_page_ext;INSERT INTO inventory SELECT * FROM inventory_ext;INSERT INTO catalog_returns SELECT * FROM catalog_returns_ext;INSERT INTO web_returns SELECT * FROM web_returns_ext;INSERT INTO store_returns SELECT * FROM store_returns_ext;INSERT INTO web_sales SELECT * FROM web_sales_ext;INSERT INTO catalog_sales SELECT * FROM catalog_sales_ext;INSERT INTO store_sales SELECT * FROM store_sales_ext;
