云数据库 GaussDB-获取指定实例的参数(v3.1):响应示例

时间:2025-02-12 15:00:55


{    "created": "2022-04-11 10:46:59",    "updated": "2022-04-11 10:46:59",    "datastore_version": "2.0",    "datastore_name": " GaussDB ",    "configuration_parameters": [        {            "name": "audit_system_object",            "value": "12295",            "type": "integer",            "description": "Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact customer service personnel to change it.",            "restart_required": false,            "value_range": "0-2097151"        }    ]}