错误码 |
状态码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
U CS .00000001 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the user information. |
未能获取用户信息 |
UCS.00000003 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the federation information. |
获取联邦信息失败 |
UCS.00000004 |
403 |
Request forbidden. |
禁止请求 |
UCS.00000005 |
500 |
Database operation failed. |
数据库操作失败 |
UCS.00000006 |
500 |
Server internal error. |
服务器内部错误 |
UCS.00000007 |
500 |
Data transform error. |
数据转换失败 |
UCS.00000008 |
500 |
Error add event. |
添加事件失败 |
UCS.00000009 |
500 |
Data unmarshal error. |
数据反序列化失败 |
UCS.00000010 |
500 |
Data marshal error. |
数据序列化失败 |
UCS.00000011 |
400 |
Bad query parameter value. |
请求参数非法 |
UCS.00000012 |
400 |
Invalid request body. |
请求体非法 |
UCS.00000013 |
404 |
No requested resources found. |
请求资源不存在 |
UCS.00000014 |
500 |
Failed to encrypt data. |
加密数据失败 |
UCS.00000015 |
500 |
Failed to decrypt data. |
解密数据失败 |
UCS.00000016 |
400 |
Invalid header value. |
请求头非法 |
UCS.00000017 |
400 |
Insufficient quota |
配额不足 |
UCS.00000018 |
401 |
Authorization failed. |
授权失败 |
UCS.00010001 |
500 |
Failed to get iam connection. |
获取 IAM 连接失败 |
UCS.00010002 |
403 |
Sub-user has no authority to create agency. |
子用户无权创建委托 |
UCS.00010003 |
400 |
Failed to create agency. |
创建委托失败 |
UCS.00010004 |
500 |
Failed to get role id for te_admin. |
获取te_admin role失败 |
UCS.00010005 |
500 |
Failed to get admin token from iam. |
获取admin token失败 |
UCS.00010006 |
500 |
Failed to get agency list from iam. |
获取委托列表失败 |
UCS.00010007 |
500 |
Failed to get agency grants from iam. |
获取委托grants失败 |
UCS.00010008 |
500 |
Failed to update agency role. |
更新委托role失败 |
UCS.00010009 |
400 |
Failed to get project token by agency |
通过委托获取项目token失败 |
UCS.00010010 |
400 |
Failed to get op_svc account domain token |
获取op账号token失败 |
UCS.00010011 |
400 |
Failed to get project id by project name. |
获取项目id失败 |
UCS.00010012 |
400 |
IAM agency quota insufficient, please expand agency quota |
超出IAM委托配额 |
UCS.00010013 |
400 |
fail to get iam pdp authorize result |
获取PDP鉴权结果失败 |
UCS.00010014 |
403 |
iam pdp authentication denied |
PDP鉴权拒绝 |
UCS.00010015 |
403 |
iam rbac authentication denied |
RBAC鉴权拒绝 |
UCS.00020001 |
500 |
Failed to get aeskey. |
获取aeskey失败 |
UCS.00020002 |
500 |
Failed to get certs. |
获取证书失败 |
UCS.00020003 |
500 |
Failed to create certs. |
创建证书失败 |
UCS.00020003 |
500 |
Failed to delete certs. |
删除证书失败 |
UCS.00030001 |
404 |
Cluster Not Found. |
集群不存在 |
UCS.00030002 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the cluster information. |
获取集群信息失败 |
UCS.00030003 |
400 |
Failed to get resourceJob info with cluster status |
获取resource job失败 |
UCS.00040001 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the mesh information. |
获取网格信息失败 |
UCS.00090001 |
500 |
Failed to create DNSRecord |
记录集创建失败 |
UCS.00100001 |
400 |
Failed to publish message to smn. |
发布消息到 SMN 失败 |
UCS.00100002 |
400 |
smn topic error. |
SMN主题错误 |
UCS.00100003 |
400 |
smn subscription error. |
SMN订阅错误 |
UCS.00110001 |
400 |
SDR failed to get billing raw data |
获取计费数据失败 |
UCS.00110002 |
400 |
Formatting raw billing data to SDR format error |
格式化计费数据失败 |
UCS.00120001 |
400 |
CBC failed to update resources status |
更新CBC资源状态失败 |
UCS.00130001 |
400 |
Get UCS Agency info error |
获取UCS委托错误 |
UCS.00140001 |
400 |
Create ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole创建失败 |
UCS.00140002 |
400 |
Delete ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole删除失败 |
UCS.00140003 |
400 |
Update ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole更新失败 |
UCS.00140004 |
400 |
Get ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole信息获取失败 |
UCS.00140005 |
400 |
Create ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding创建失败 |
UCS.00140006 |
400 |
Delete ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding删除失败 |
UCS.00140007 |
400 |
Update ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding更新失败 |
UCS.00140008 |
400 |
Get ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding信息获取失败 |
UCS.00140009 |
400 |
Create Role failed |
Role创建失败 |
UCS.00140010 |
400 |
Delete Role failed |
Role删除失败 |
UCS.00140011 |
400 |
Update Role failed |
Role更新失败 |
UCS.00140012 |
400 |
Get Role failed |
Role信息获取失败 |
UCS.00140013 |
400 |
Create RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding创建失败 |
UCS.00140014 |
400 |
Delete RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding删除失败 |
UCS.00140015 |
400 |
Update RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding更新失败 |
UCS.00140016 |
400 |
Get RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding信息获取失败 |
UCS.00150001 |
400 |
Cluster policy validate failed. |
集群策略验证失败 |
UCS.00150002 |
400 |
ClusterGroup policy validate failed. |
集群组策略验证失败 |
UCS.00150003 |
400 |
Cluster has enable policy. |
集群已启用策略 |
UCS.00150004 |
400 |
ClusterGroup has enable policy. |
集群组已启用策略 |
UCS.00150005 |
400 |
Cluster not enable policy. |
集群未启用策略 |
UCS.00150006 |
400 |
ClusterGroup not enable policy. |
集群组未启用策略 |
UCS.00150007 |
500 |
Get policy job failed. |
获取策略任务失败 |
UCS.01000001 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the user information. |
获取用户信息失败 |
UCS.01000002 |
429 |
The throttling threshold has been reached. |
达到流控阈值 |
UCS.01000003 |
401 |
Authorization failed. |
授权失败 |
UCS.01000004 |
403 |
Request forbidden. |
禁止请求 |
UCS.01000005 |
500 |
Database operation failed. |
数据库操作失败 |
UCS.01000006 |
500 |
Server internal error. |
服务器内部错误 |
UCS.01000007 |
500 |
Data transform error. |
数据转换失败 |
UCS.01000008 |
500 |
Error add event. |
添加事件失败 |
UCS.01000009 |
500 |
Data unmarshal error. |
数据反序列化失败 |
UCS.01000010 |
500 |
Data marshal error. |
数据序列化失败 |
UCS.01000011 |
400 |
Bad query parameter value. |
请求参数非法 |
UCS.01000012 |
400 |
Invalid request body. |
请求体非法 |
UCS.01000013 |
404 |
No requested resources found. |
请求资源不存在 |
UCS.01000014 |
500 |
Failed to encrypt data. |
加密数据失败 |
UCS.01000015 |
500 |
Failed to decrypt data. |
解密数据失败 |
UCS.01000016 |
400 |
Invalid header value. |
请求头非法 |
UCS.01000017 |
400 |
Insufficient quota |
配额不足 |
UCS.01000018 |
400 |
Quota info validate failed |
配额参数校验失败 |
UCS.01000019 |
500 |
Quota update failed |
配额更新失败 |
UCS.01010001 |
500 |
Failed to get iam connection. |
获取IAM连接失败 |
UCS.01010002 |
500 |
Failed to get project token by agency |
通过委托获取项目token失败 |
UCS.01010003 |
403 |
No access permission. Please contact the administrator. |
无访问权限 |
UCS.01010004 |
400 |
get deployment region's projectID error |
获取项目ID失败 |
UCS.01010005 |
400 |
get IAM agency's token error |
获取委托token失败 |
UCS.01010006 |
400 |
fail to get iam pdp authorize result |
获取PDP鉴权结果失败 |
UCS.01010007 |
403 |
iam pdp authentication denied |
PDP鉴权拒绝 |
UCS.01010008 |
403 |
iam rbac authentication denied |
RBAC鉴权拒绝 |
UCS.01020001 |
500 |
Failed to get aeskey. |
获取aeskey失败 |
UCS.01020002 |
500 |
Failed to get certs. |
获取证书失败 |
UCS.01020003 |
500 |
Failed to create certs. |
创建证书失败 |
UCS.01020004 |
500 |
Failed to delete certs. |
删除证书失败 |
UCS.01030001 |
404 |
Cluster Not Found. |
集群不存在 |
UCS.01030002 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the cluster information. |
获取集群信息失败 |
UCS.01030003 |
409 |
The same cluster already exists. |
存在同名集群 |
UCS.01030004 |
400 |
Cluster status is unavailable, please fix cluster first. |
集群状态不可用 |
UCS.01030005 |
403 |
No authorization for cluster |
集群授权失败 |
UCS.01030006 |
400 |
Create resource job for cluster error |
集群创建resource job失败 |
UCS.01030007 |
400 |
Create on-demand order for cluster error |
创建按需订单失败 |
UCS.01030008 |
400 |
Cluster kubeconfig format error. |
集群kubeconfig格式错误 |
UCS.01030009 |
400 |
This cluster does not support unregister |
集群不支持注销 |
UCS.01030010 |
400 |
Failed to obtain cce cluster information. |
获取cce集群信息失败 |
UCS.01030011 |
400 |
Cluster category not supported |
不支持该集群类别 |
UCS.01030012 |
400 |
Register cce cluster error |
注册cce集群失败 |
UCS.01030013 |
400 |
Register attached cluster error |
注册附着集群失败 |
UCS.01030014 |
400 |
Register on-premise cluster error |
注册本地集群失败 |
UCS.01030015 |
100 |
Register multi cloud cluster error |
注册多云集群失败 |
UCS.01030016 |
400 |
Cluster has been frozen |
集群已被冻结 |
UCS.01050001 |
400 |
RecordSet create failed. |
记录集创建失败 |
UCS.01080001 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the federation information. |
获取联邦信息失败 |
UCS.01080002 |
400 |
Cluster group has federalized. |
舰队已开启联邦 |
UCS.01080003 |
500 |
Cluster group federation failed. |
舰队联邦操作失败 |
UCS.01080004 |
400 |
Cluster group federation validate failed. |
开启联邦校验失败 |
UCS.01080005 |
400 |
Retry join all clusters to federation failed. |
重试所有集群加入联邦失败 |
UCS.01080006 |
400 |
Cluster group has not been federalized. |
舰队未开启联邦 |
UCS.01080007 |
400 |
Retry join cluster to federation failed. |
重试集群加入联邦失败 |
UCS.01090001 |
400 |
Failed to obtain the mesh information. |
获取网格信息失败 |
UCS.01100001 |
403 |
No authorization for cluster group |
舰队未授权 |
UCS.01100002 |
400 |
associate cluster with clustergroup error |
集群加入舰队失败 |
UCS.01100003 |
400 |
associate cluster with rule error |
舰队关联权限策略失败 |
UCS.01100004 |
409 |
The same clustergroup already exists. |
同名舰队已存在 |
UCS.01100005 |
404 |
ClusterGroup Not Found. |
舰队不存在 |
UCS.01100006 |
400 |
Cluster number in fleet exceed limit. |
舰队内集群数量超过限制 |
UCS.01100007 |
400 |
Update associated clusters validate failed |
更新关联集群校验失败 |
UCS.01110001 |
400 |
resource notification to SMN error |
通知SMN失败 |
UCS.01120001 |
400 |
Create ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole创建失败 |
UCS.01120002 |
400 |
Delete ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole删除失败 |
UCS.01120003 |
400 |
Update ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole更新失败 |
UCS.01120004 |
400 |
Get ClusterRole failed |
ClusterRole信息获取失败 |
UCS.01120005 |
400 |
Create ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding创建失败 |
UCS.01120006 |
400 |
Delete ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding删除失败 |
UCS.01120007 |
400 |
Update ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding更新失败 |
UCS.01120008 |
400 |
Get ClusterRoleBinding failed |
ClusterRoleBinding信息获取失败 |
UCS.01120009 |
400 |
Create Role failed |
Role创建失败 |
UCS.01120010 |
400 |
Delete Role failed |
Role删除失败 |
UCS.01120011 |
400 |
Update Role failed |
Role更新失败 |
UCS.01120012 |
400 |
Get Role failed |
Role信息获取失败 |
UCS.01120013 |
400 |
Create RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding创建失败 |
UCS.01120014 |
400 |
Delete RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding删除失败 |
UCS.01120015 |
400 |
Update RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding更新失败 |
UCS.01120016 |
400 |
Get RoleBinding failed |
RoleBinding信息获取失败 |
UCS.01130001 |
400 |
policy management create reconcile job failed |
策略管理创建协调作业失败 |
UCS.01130002 |
400 |
policy management create disable job failed |
策略管理创建禁用作业失败 |
UCS.01130003 |
400 |
cluster policy validate failed. |
集群策略验证失败 |
UCS.01130004 |
400 |
clusterGroup policy validate failed. |
集群组策略验证失败 |
UCS.01130005 |
400 |
cluster policy management is in installing or closing status |
集群策略管理处于安装或关闭状态 |
UCS.01130006 |
400 |
cluster group policy management is in installing or closing status |
集群组策略管理处于安装或关闭状态 |