云数据库 GaussDB-MOVE:示例

时间:2023-11-01 16:22:04


--开始一个事务。openGauss=# START TRANSACTION;--定义一个名为cursor1的游标。openGauss=# CURSOR cursor1 FOR SELECT * FROM tpcds.reason;--忽略游标cursor1的前3行。openGauss=# MOVE FORWARD 3 FROM cursor1;--抓取游标cursor1的前4行。openGauss=# FETCH 4 FROM cursor1; r_reason_sk |   r_reason_id    |                                            r_reason_desc                                             -------------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           4 | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA | Not the product that was ordred                                                                                5 | AAAAAAAAFAAAAAAA | Parts missing                                                                                                  6 | AAAAAAAAGAAAAAAA | Does not work with a product that I have                                                                       7 | AAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA | Gift exchange                                                                                       (4 rows)--关闭游标。openGauss=# CLOSE cursor1;--结束一个事务。openGauss=# END;