函数工作流 FUNCTIONGRAPH-构建程序:创建程序包

时间:2024-11-16 13:21:46



图1 样例代码目录
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
import os
import string
import random
import urllib.parse
from PIL import Image
from obs import ObsClient


def handler(event, context):
    ak = context.getSecurityAccessKey()
    sk = context.getSecuritySecretKey()
    st = context.getSecurityToken()
    if ak == "" or sk == "" or st == "":
        context.getLogger().error('Failed to access OBS because no temporary '
                                  'AK, SK, or token has been obtained. Please '
                                  'set an agency.')
        return 'Failed to access OBS because no temporary AK, SK, or token ' \
               'has been obtained. Please set an agency. '

    obs_endpoint = context.getUserData('obs_endpoint')
    if not obs_endpoint:
        return 'obs_endpoint is not configured'

    output_bucket = context.getUserData('output_bucket')
    if not output_bucket:
        return 'output_bucket is not configured'

    compress_handler = ThumbnailHandler(context)
    records = event.get("Records", None)
    return compress_handler.run(records[0])